Why do so many thread authors get “women” and “woman” confused?

  1. That’s not as bad as referring to Women as “females” as in “What do these females want?”. It could just be a generational thing, but to my ear when people use the word “female” in that context it seems like they use it as a more polite way of saying “bitches”

  2. Because grammar is a dead art. Clear communication is no longer a priority in people’s minds. And they won’t regret the decision until it progresses to the point that it becomes a problem. But, it won’t be long.

  3. Because they, women act all alike and therefor:

    Women are all the same, just packaging is different

    If you can’t see the joke in this ………

  4. Because grammar isn’t taught to the standard it once was. Same goes for punctuation, they’re/there/their, your/you’re, affect/effect, insure/ensure, and a plethora of others.

  5. Most Redditors are American and their literacy rate is less than 80%. If a fifth of them can’t read at all, you can’t expect much from the rest.

  6. Sometimes people start writing a title talking about an object in the plurality and then change it to talk about it as a single object. Women and woman are spelled similarly and they might not notice they forgot to change the word.

  7. Defiantly because their not good at grammar. Many of my friend’s make similar mistakes on accident.

  8. they’re not native English speakers?

    Bro, there’s more to the world than Canada, the USA, and Great Britain?

  9. I’ve seen people mixing up “think” and “thing”, and those were getting their master’s in one of the most prestigious universities in the world. At this point, I’ve lost all hope in the education system, all around the world. People who are interested in getting better, do. Others, well, they might get a bunch of degrees and they’re just, meehh!

  10. I see “loose” used instead of “lose” so many times online too, lol. I’ll see someone call somebody else a “looser.” They probably didn’t pay attention in school.

  11. I use voice to text a lot and it messes things up frequently. Maybe they’re using that and don’t care to fix it

  12. We have a lot of negative comments here about intelligence but probably 80% of the time its fat fingers, typing too fast and accidentally hitting the wrong key, or bad autocorrect.

  13. Everyone here is so fucking doomer. It’s because they’re typing quickly and not being 100% accurate with a REDDIT post. I know all these grammar mistakes people lose their minds over, sometimes I just type fast and miss it. It’s not a conspiracy.

  14. Three reasons:

    1. They’re not native English speakers.
    2. Autocorrect/spellcheck fails.
    3. They’re years removed from the last time they were formally taught grammar (which they might not have successfully learned in the first place) and there’s no real incentive to get it perfectly correct in a forum like this.

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