how would you still have fun going out without consuming any alcohol?

  1. Just go out to talk with friends and have fun getting hot n heavy at a club, same as when I do drink. Probably having a bit of cannabis to help with my social anxiety.

  2. It just is. I haven’t had alcohol in 15+ years because it just makes me sick and I had a blast in my 20s without any alcohol. Going out now, I get a soda and it’s still fun. I think you just soak up the vibe of your friends and just act like a fool with them. Then you can recap it all to them the next day lol.

  3. I’m not allowed to drink alcohol since I use antidepressants so I’m still figuring that out, I mostly go to fairgrounds when I say “I’m going out” where it isn’t allowed to get drunk on the fairground property so I just gamble and ride the nice stuff.

  4. Probably not quite the answer you’re looking for but I used to have a glass of grocery store wine while preparing dinner and I replaced it with a can of San Pellegrino (Essenza, Momenti or the sparkling drink). It tastes pretty good, it’s a treat for me while I’m doing a chore and I’m not tipsy on a work night.

  5. Just relax and realize the right drunk people won’t push alcohol on you. If they do, leave! I always get the response from really inebriated people “wow I wish I had the self control to do that” “you’re so brave” “wow I really admire you”. Just enjoy it like you would if you were drunk. Dance, talk, laugh, have a good time. I promise you, the right people won’t push alcohol on you or tell you you’re dull if you don’t drink. Good drunk people love, and I mean LOVE, sober people energy. Bad drunk people will try to get you to drink. I have a stinking blast watching people have fun and I love good drunk people energy. So fearless and kind. If you encounter bad drunks, just remove yourself from the situation.

  6. It’s about the right people and your definition of fun. I never felt it not fun just because there’s no alcohol

    Watching a movie can be fun. Drinking coffee can be fun. Playing board games or sports can be fun.

  7. A lot of daytime activities don’t involve drinking so I would try to get together with people during the day and stay in at night.

  8. As someone who stopped drinking at 19, at the height of my college party days, it’s not the ‘fun’ that’s typically difficult. It’s the peer pressure and guilt that happens when your friends act like you’re an alien for not drinking. My advice- empty a can of beer, pour water into it, and carry it around all night. If people can relax and have fun around you, that’s when you have fun. Seems stupid, but sometimes you just gotta play the part

  9. I do like mix drinks, so I just order versions with no alcohol! Other than that, I just do the same stuff. I go to shows, parties, game nights etc. I can’t drink right now because of legal stuff, but even before, I’d enjoy one or two while out, sometimes. Never was a big factor in having fun for me!

  10. You don’t need alcohol to have fun…But it helps if those around you have it…Drunk people are ridiculous and as long as you don’t have to take care of their messy selves, you’ll have entertainment all night long.

  11. Mmmm same way I have fun without alc, minus the nausea/vomit.

    I feel like I’m the same with or without it. Don’t need it for confidence and encouragement. I’m gonna dance, sing, yell, laugh and just be loud. Alc just makes me do all that but sloppier and slower

  12. I don’t drink at all and I still feed off the drunk energy. I can get turnt just as hard as my friends. Socialisation is my drug of choice and a shitload of sugary drinks

  13. I have never consumed alcohol in my life and I just go out either by myself or with friends and I have a blast. When I’m out with the right people anything can be a fun.

  14. Went to a couple bars last night with a friend who has been sober for a few years. We drank plain seltzer and just chatted, socialized with a bunch of out-of-towners and acted silly on the dance floor. We even did a couple rounds of “shots” with others that consisted of just pineapple juice and grenadine.

    It’s the people that make the fun, not the alcohol. (It probably helps that we’re a little older too so there is no peer pressure to drink.)

  15. It’s impossible for me.
    Tbh all the friends ik so far its because of alcohol or by smoking so without that we have nothing to do 🤷🏼‍♂️

  16. The answer my friend is SUGAR.. more specifically sugar ruch, chug down those sodas and pop those candies in your mouth.. that is how you have an amazing night

  17. Going to the bar and not drinking is way more fun. I could still do all the same things, just not wake up miserable the next day

  18. It’s just fine without alcohol but I’ve never been into clubbing type things. I can enjoy eating out or going to events and not drinking alcohol just fine.

  19. Remember that you’re there for the company, not the buzz. You’ll remember your night better if you’re sober. You’ll be safer if driving and less likely to be embarrassed by something the next day (I regret some of my nights going out and drinking too much and getting emotional, and I am glad to be more in control of myself now.)

    After getting pregnant I just had to learn quickly to be ok without drinking, and almost two years later I still don’t really want to drink much anymore, now that I’m so used to it.

  20. I’ve been 100% sober for over 4 months and it’s easy to be out with friends and not drink and still have a good time. I focus on the conversation and connection and less on getting plastered. You can also choose activities that aren’t centered around alcohol, like mini golfing, bowling, game/card night, potlucks, bonfires, etc.

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