How do you know when to follow up on something vs when to leave it alone?
Eg, if someone says they’ll get back to you and they don’t. How to know if they’re communicating through their silence, or if it slipped their mind or something else?
I’m always afraid of being annoying, but I also wonder if I’d be losing opportunities and connections by not following up!

  1. It depends on the person & what it is you’re following up on. Unless someone’s really busy and/or scatterbrained, people usually make time when they want to. If someone is reluctant to do something, they’ll avoid it. So imo asking once is usually good enough, maybe twice if you really think they just forgot.

  2. Follow up once. If they still don’t respond, leave it be. Never ever keep chasing or begging somebody to respond to you. People make time and effort for whom they want to make time and effort for.

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