How to be healthy when everyone in the house is unhealthy?

  1. What do you mean by healthy?

    They don’t eat health? You can eat better.

    They don’t exercise? You can go exercise.

    They drink and smoke and do drugs? You just don’t do those things.

  2. Be ready for daily justification about why you’re making a different meal or going for a jog.

  3. U are ur own life so u can be healthy wherever you want , Because if you give in easily to temptations, you will not be healthy even in the midst of a 100% healthy home

  4. Lol the answer sucks, but you just gotta do it. When I decided to start working out, no one else in my family was active and as a forever-skinny/xylophone ribs kid, literally everyone in my family was like “give up, you were born skinny, etc” (i cannot overstate this, they all deny it now but not a single one of them supported me trying to change my life. You WILL have to go at this alone, if your drive doesn’t come from inside you’ll give up). Couple years later I’m shredded, and both my dad and my sister work out regularly too.

    Genuinely, if you try to look for support from other unhealthy people, you will only get demoralised by their lack of discipline/faith. Find friends or relatives that have the habits you want to build and ask them for tips.

    Diet-wise, there’s not much you can do if other people buy your groceries, but there are still options. Like, my family loves soft drinks but i don’t drink them. The only alcohol i drink is vodka and even then rarely. Learn to prepare your own meals if all you eat in the house is deep-fried diabetes. Do intermittent fasting if you’re trying to lose weight. Drink water, more than you might assume is necessary. Whether you’re gaining or losing weight, stay on top of your cardio (i.e. go for walks, jogs or runs depending on your base level of fitness, and just slowly increase your distance/speed over time).

    Above all, don’t think you need any special equipment or fancy programs to get healthy. I started out doing 4 pushups in the living room every day until I could do 5, then 6, etc. As I gained knowledge and strength, I added things until I finally got a gym subscription, and i never looked back

  5. I have this problem with my wife.

    I workout 3 times per week, and try to avoid certain foods (especially soda).

    She doesn’t do any form of physical activity, and eats whatever she wants, whenever she wants.

    It’s extremely frustrating.

    I try to be flexible with my workouts, but sometimes, she actively discourages me.

  6. As someone who’s been in this experience, you need a change of environment. The phrase you are a product of your environment applies here

  7. Go for walks, hikes, play sports, bike ride, workout at a gym. Cooking healthy for yourself is the best bet, if you can’t do that then figure out how you can. Stay active and watch what you eat.

  8. Switch to coke zero, eat enough healthy food to be sated, go for walks to leave the house of bad habits and get some cardio in.

  9. Depends on your social situation. Is this like you living with spouse and kids, roommates or something else?

  10. Yeah if you’re struggling you prob shouldn’t live there anymore bud.

    That’s why recovering drug addicts have to get new friends, and relationships between larger people tank so often when one person loses weight.

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