So I know this is going to sound stupid and insecure but please just be kind.
I (25f) ended a toxic and abusive relationship about a year ago and just started dating again. About a month ago I met this guy at a museum (corny I know) and we got along well. We started talking, met up a few times and things are going really well I’d say. We are both currently out of town for work/personal matters and with our schedules can only talk a couple hours a day. This morning I had sent him a funny tiktok, he responded and after I responded to his text after a few minutes he left me on read. Now, I know this is the time he usually goes to bed, but typically we have more of a conversation and he always lets me know when he’s about to sleep.
Now, this doesn’t sound like a big deal but in my last relationship, my ex would leave me on read or delivered as a form of punishment if I didn’t reply to him fast enough (within an hour) and would ghost me for days, then tell me he was leaving me and I’d have to beg him to not. It was bad, I know, I’m embarrassed admit that.
But now, all these same fears are creeping back up. What if he’s doing this to me? I’m almost 80% sure it wasn’t intentional, he probably fell asleep or forgot to hit send but i can’t stop worrying about it, to the point I’m in tears.
Now he knows, a little about my past relationship but doesn’t know any of the details. When/if he answers should I casually bring this up and just let him know how this affects me?
Again, please be nice I know this sounds ridiculous.
Thank you all ♥️
Edit: I should add that we’ve both stated that neither of us are talking to anyone else, but we haven’t had the official “what are we talk yet”.

1 comment
  1. It seems like your past relationship really did a number on you. Chances are very high that this guy did just fall asleep or not think that hard about it. I do think this is something that he should be told eventually, with all the context as to why you have such a strong reaction.

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