For me I am just an autistic person who’s been made fun of before and never treated so well in my life. I really want to believe there is good people out there, but in my case its very rare, because I’ve been hurt so many times in my personal life. I will forever remain skeptical whenever someone tells me how “nice” people are. Its hard for me because at times they may look nice, but deep down they could be someone that could screw you over or sometimes lash out of you.

I know some people may think I’m overreacting, but the truth is that I never really made good friends in my life. I was friends with the wrong people who I thought they would always “be there for me” whenever something happens, but then they ditch me years later. I used to think that it had something to do with me, but then I realized that people grow and change when they go their separate ways. In my case that wasn’t always true, but I know thats how life is and I have to learn to accept that. I never was good at social interactions because I was so shy about talking to others when I was told early in my life to always “be quiet or else you get in trouble” but as the years went by I was told to talk to more people, which made it harder for me to make friends.

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