I found out someone I know will go a day or two (probably more) without remembering to wash their face or clean their ears out.

  1. At least twice a day, at shower time (with a face wash product) and before bed (with water).

  2. At the very least the get a scrub down with water and a wash cloth twice a day. With soap at least once a day.

  3. Every day. I have acne! You need to wash your face daily. Also ears are self cleaning so you dont ever need fo clean them out

  4. I’m gonna go against the grain here. I never go out of my way to wash my face – it’s only getting wet in the shower, and I shampoo my hair about once a month (NoPoo life) so barely even soaped. All my friends thought it was weird growing up at sleepovers and stuff but I have gotten maybe two dozen pimples on my face my entire life, and never any acne.

    I asked my wife to tell me if I have any need for it and I’ll change my routine but apparently it’s all I need. She uses cleansers and scrubbers and I still have clearer skin than her. Some of us get lucky, I guess.

    I do scrub out my beard with hot water, though.

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