Hey guys i hope you can help. There is this girl who openly told me she thinks im atractive and realy wishes to see me as close friends with benefits. She is happy to share photos in a discord group we share. We don’t live far apart and we established a close friendship. The thing is, i don’t consider her being atractive. I don’t wanna hurt her feelings as we connect quite well, but i don’t see how sex can work out aswell.

And before you ask, we made the one thing clear that no romantic feelings on either side are in play. I don’t wanna lose her as a friend but i don’t see how we can be more than just friends either

  1. You don’t have to tell her anything crazy bruh, just say appreciate the compliment but I’m fine with just being normal platonic friends.

  2. You don’t have to explain why. Just say you’re not interested and you don’t want to lose her as a friend. Leave it at that.

  3. Unless she asks you directly, there’s no need to give your opinion on her looks. As cliche as it sounds, just say she’s not your type.

  4. Don’t tell her you’re not attracted to her. Just tell her you want to stay platonic friends with her and leave it at that.

  5. “I don’t want to lose you as a friend. Sex ALWAYS complicates things. So I don’t want to do that. I value you as a friend too much.”

  6. Just say you don’t do friends with benefits, if she knows you did in the past, just say, you don’t want to mess up the friendship.

  7. “I really enjoy our friendship and do not want to compromise that. Big ego boost that you suggested it though 😂”

  8. Tell her you’re only interested in something serious and you don’t do FWB, you’re looking for THE ONE

  9. Tell her straight up that you believe sex would cheapen the friendship. Let her know you value her and what you two share in friendship is worth more than getting off.

  10. Yeah you don’t need to get into her looks at all, that would be needlessly cruel to her. Just say you respect the friendship and save her some hurt feelings.

  11. Just say you’re not looking for FWB and prefer to stay friends

    “You’re like a sister to me”

  12. Um you don’t? Just tell her that you’re flattered but aren’t interested in that kind of arrangement with her as you’d like to keep the friendship drama free. There’s zero reason to purposely insult her in this situation

  13. dont give any specific reason. just say you arent comfortable ding it with a friend. I had a girl ask me out a long time ago, but she wasnt my type. I just took her out to eat anyway, but I made sure to take her friend out too with us. We had a big meal, but I knew she got the message.

  14. When telling the truth doesn’t help anyone, it becomes a liability, and a fool’s errand. Just stick with “no thank you, I’m not interested”.

  15. I’m not sure it’s possible? Just be flat out honest and tell her you’re not interested in a sexual relationship. If that hurts the friendship, then it must not have been a real solid to start.

  16. Don’t tell her it’s because of her looks. You don’t owe her any explanation, because at the end of the day nobody chooses who’s attractive to them.

  17. You don’t have to go into specifics. Just say “I don’t think we’re a good match, but I wish you the best of luck in your search for love”.

  18. Punch her in the face and then say I am sorry I just want to be friends. Works for Sam Bankman when he apologized to his Crypto Maniacs customers who got punched in the face when his company went bankrupt.

  19. You’re a man. You’re not allowed to tell a woman she’s unattractive. That shit’s not acceptable. You’d likely be branded an asshole for having a preference.

    Only women get to shit on the appearance of men.

  20. Ok lets turn th e tables. Say you were interested in her and she was not attracted to you. Youd know. So jsut tell her that with your relationship, you rather draw the line where it is and not persue it any further.
    If she cannot handle it, then shes definately not ready for any relationship. Be nice, respectful, just put a line there and say that is where it is. Period. If you were doing that and kept persuing it, shed think youre a stalker. So whats the difference? I have a variety of female friens that we have remained platonic over the years. Healthy friendships, not an issue. They are more valuable than a few “benifits”. Just say no thank you.

  21. You definitely don’t say you don’t find her attractive. There’s a million other ways you can handle it. I see some good suggestions here already.

  22. Yeah you don’t have to explain in detail why you don’t want to have sex with someone.

  23. If you feel you have to give some type of reason, you could always say “I don’t feel a spark”

  24. Practically impossible due to the fact that a lot of women will put words in your mouth, and make it seem like you hate her

  25. Tell her clearly you are not interested and PLEASE don’t ask her to remain your friend. When a girl is hopping for something more, remaining friends might give her some hope that you will change your mind. This will never be a true friendship. She don’t need that.

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