It’s a bit taboo depending on your social circle but dudes I’m tight with and wanna be there for I always tell I love em. Don’t even have to say “no homo” because they know what I mean. Is this common or am I a pioneer? I also give bros much needed hugs and tell em when they’re looking fly that day, because everyone needs a boost now & then.

  1. I tell my pals I love them pretty regularly. Usually when any of us are a little tipsy it comes out easily, but even stone cold sober we are a fairly expressive group of bros.

  2. I’ve been trying this lately at work. Just telling the colleagues that I like and appreciate whenever they’re dressed well or just doing their work good. It’s great! Start the chain!

  3. I tell my close friends I love them all the time. Calling them ‘bros’ though? I’d never do that. Some lines you just don’t cross

  4. I tell my best friend I love him all the time. We have known each other since 1st grade. He is the only person who gets my assistance no questions asked. If he asked me for a very large amout of money I would write him a check on the spot and do not expect him to pay me back. I will do this because he would do this for me. Best friends of over 40 years do not come around often.

  5. Never but in my native language the translation of love is reserved for partners or family, especially when you say it to them. I think 200 years ago it was different but today the word is so strong that’s its mostly used for your partner.

  6. I tell my wife and nobody else. Just feels wrong to use the word for anything but romantic love.

  7. I always do. I like to make sure they know how much I love and appreciate them. Not in a cringy way, but every once in a while I make sure to actually express it.

  8. I do whenever they do something helpful or awesome for me like they took me out for a birthday dinner

  9. Not taboo at all from my perspective. I tell my best friends that I love them when we part ways after hanging out. Also, on the rare occasions that I get to see the guys I deployed to Afghanistan with we always end the night with a hug and an “I love you, brother”

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