TLDR: I don’t know what to do now that I’m single

Well, I’m doing it I’m finally leaving him, he asked for a break after I told him he needed to get a license and figure out his addiction, but now I’m alone, and I don’t know what to do. I haven’t been single in a long time, I don’t remember how I spent my days, it’s so hard not messaging him just to keep me company. Life is just so boring alone. If anyone has advice please share.

  1. You can try getting back into your old hobbies or try out some new ones, sometimes dwelling on things you cannot change anymore does not make you feel any better.

    Just remember that feelings are just that, feelings and they only get meaning when you give into them.

    At the end of the day, one of the biggest risks in getting into a relationship in the first place is heartbreak, and its a part of life to get knocked down but dont lose motivation to find that self love and respect because thats what you deserve.
    I will gladly extend a helping hand, I know what it is like to feel alone, but you’re not in reality.

  2. To start with, stop the break. Just tell him it’s over.

    Then go and live your life.
    Do what you want to do
    Find yourself someone who will treat you with the love and respect that you deserve

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