What is your favorite job?

  1. If we don’t count the lack of money- because I made more doing other things. I thought data entry and night cleaning were both really chill. The data entry was pretty monotonous yet went by quickly and you never got stressed doing it. Night cleaning was very independent which is why I liked it. You went into medical buildings and were usually completely alone- you could come when you wanted as long as you left/finished before the place opened. And I put on music usually to pass the time I thought it was very peaceful.

  2. Sounds cheesy but, being a mum. I just went back to work and I’m lucky enough to work from home while my mother watches my daughter. But that year of maternity leave was the best year of my life, I didn’t once feel bored or fed up or overwhelmed. I’m only in the next room but I miss her A LOT.

  3. Being a primary school teacher. Most rewarding job I’ve done. It was fun, creative and varied. It challenged me and I’d never been more productive in my life. Just a shame it wasn’t worth the crap pay, the long hours and the emotional burden.

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