My gf (19) enjoys being sexual in public. I (20m) have no problem behaving sexually outdoors, as long as we avoid drawing attention or getting caught. A few nights ago my gf and I went to the store to get condoms. She was wearing my hoodie. It was too big for her so it kind of looked like a dress. Nothing unusual about that. Not until she flashed me in the store and I realized she was completely naked underneath. Not gonna lie, it was hot as fuck and it instantly turned me on. But at the same time I was also really nervous because there were a few other customers and not to mention cameras. My gf said the cameras didn’t bother her and encouraged me to touch her when none of the customers were paying attention. I snuck my hands under the hoodie once or twice and touched her butt. She loved it and so did I.

I didn’t expect her to level up from that, but she did. Last night she showed up at my place wearing nothing at all. She decided to drive naked, get out of the car naked and walk up two flights of stairs naked, until she finally knocked on my door, still naked! She did warn me beforehand, but I didn’t think she would actually do it. When I opened the door and saw her with nothing on, I wanted to fuck her right there, but my first reaction was to get her inside and make sure no one saw her. Thankfully it was quite late and it seemed like not many people, if any at all, were outside at the time. My gf and I had sex first before we discussed her ballsy move to show up at my place like that.

I said I thought it was hot but very fucking risky. Not just in terms of getting seen, but also ending up in an unsafe situation. My gf said she made sure the coast was clear before she did what she did and I should count my ass lucky that I’m with someone who’s willing to take risks in the name of hot sex. Question: is my gf going too far with her exhibitionism or am I being too protective?

  1. She is taking it too far as the public are not interested in your sex lives. The general public can not and does not consent… so it may be exciting for you but it is not appropriate for potential onlookers.

  2. You are fine with what you have said apparently. It’s your gf who needs some etiquettes. Take care to see if nobody gets disturbed with you guys around. Being sexual outdoor is a cool stuff but there’s a line not to cross.

  3. So I used to have a lot of sex in “public” before I moved out of my parents house in my early twenties. The beach, the park at night, our town has this tree swing overlooking the river, etc. I’ve avoided the police, getting caught only twice in my teenage years, so we got off with warnings because we managed to get dressed before the cop knocked on the window of my Jeep. My ex-wife would take it to different extremes. Movie theatre blowjobs all the way in the back, a supply closet at Barnes And Noble, right out in the open on a public beach at night, etc. But we were mostly careful in doing so. Walking carelessly around naked was never part of that. The hoodie was probably right at the fine line, but walking up to your buck fucking naked is a bit of a problem though. At least wear that hoodie or a trench coat in case you have party poopers willing to get her and you in trouble. She said you should be grateful to have a girl like her? Well then she’s still a girl and not a woman who’s carefully planning this out to avoid as much risk as possible. And she’s behaving cocky and arrogant, which leads to getting caught in my experience. It’s only a matter of time and if she’s not willing to dial it back, you need to address this issue. I’ve broken up with quite a few women who try to make the claim that I’m “lucky” to have her. That’s a toxic manipulator and I’ll usually break up with them shortly after making statements like that. It doesn’t respect boundaries, and it implies they’ll be toxic af with other things throughout the relationship. But ultimately it’s up to you to decide whether she’s worth it or are you okay dumping her and swimming through fish again until you find one just as good, but without the toxicity.

  4. A foundational part of safe, ethical kink is about all participants consenting to engage in whatever the activity may be. Innocent bystanders have not consented to being a part of your GF’s kink.

  5. She’s taking it too far. I mean that whole public nudity thing is great, but it’s generally not safe, not to mention she’s being pretty reckless with it, especially showing up at your place naked. One of the main reasons my husband and I bought a place on hundreds of acres of land way out in the central Texas woods is so we can run around naked all we want without anyone there to see us or say anything. Doing it in the city is just asking for trouble

  6. It’s not just risky. It’s rude and presumptive – she can be exposing children etc.

    I would not date somebody that I’d need to be prepared to support in jail because of their actions.

    It’s stupid.

  7. Unless she wants to be a registered sex offender ,she should tone it down a little bit.

  8. Let’s use the easiest example here; what happens if while she was walking up those flight of stairs a child and mother walked past?

    The public can’t consent.

    I’m not advocating for public indecency, but I will say, there are plenty of places you can engage in the act without involving the public, such as your car as a quick example.

    Your gf needs to modify how she engages with the kink.

  9. Bystanders haven’t consented to being a part of your girlfriend’s kink, so it has crossed a line.

  10. This is taking it way too far. Not only is it unsafe but she could also get in legal trouble. Public exposure to this level isn’t okay just because she’s a woman.

  11. Unsafe situation, potential criminal record–this isn’t going to end well for her if she doesn’t exercise more common sense.

  12. Check the laws where you live.

    Some places, supposedly, are topless friendly. As long as that’s all it is. No touching, no action, etc.. No place, except nude beaches(and private places) that I’m aware of, let you go fully naked. If there is a minor present, and you/she didn’t know, while her bottom half is exposed, it can easily be a crime and ugly legal situation. Caught on camera? Now there’s ‘irrefutable’ evidence. And everybody has a camera nowadays, even the kids.

    At least educate yourself on nudity laws, so that maybe you can help her stay just on ‘this’ side of the line of being legal. Or at the very least, know where the line is and what consequences you might face for crossing the line.

  13. Lmao enjoy the kinks all you want safely. but your gf sounds like she lacks some serious social boundaries and this isn’t okay behavior. What if there are kids around? Definite arrest and sex offender registry in her future. And honestly not okay for you not to say something. You’re both adults and know it’s risky but there’s a fine line between inconsiderate behavior and entertaining yourselves. Grow up tbh

  14. She can def be risky but she needs to chill out before she gets arrested. There is a middle ground and you guys can definitely both still get pleasure from it

  15. It was all hot when she wore your hoodie and naked underneath. But actually driving naked and 2 flight of stairs walking naked is just not it. She could’ve at least worn a robe or something and open it when she reaches your home.

    Being caught in public or even worse, someone report her or seen by police could be a huge mess.

  16. There are issues here:


    1. This is how you get yourselves on the sex-offender’s registry.
    2. The people in public who may be exposed to your sexual play didn’t have the option to consent. The violation of the consent of bystanders by engaging in public sex should be a non-starter. It’s a red light, stop, consent violation.

  17. Sooner or later, this is not going to end well for her. Try to find ways for her to express herself in a safer environment…though admittedly, that might kill the adrenaline rush she gets from this.

  18. It’s not okay to rope unsuspecting people into a kink, and that’s exactly what she’s doing. If anyone were to see her, they would then become a part of this kink act without their consent.

  19. Seems too far for me, but it’s up to you if that’s a boundary you want to set. A few things to consider…

    1. There’s a lot of creepy dudes out there, and being outside naked at night is, imo, not safe. Sure she checked, but maybe someone saw her driving and pulling in, decided to hide and wait for her to get out to attack her.
    2. This is illegal. She will absolutely end up arrested and on a sex offender registry if caught.
    3. If someone sees her naked, they did not consent to being part of your/her sexual acts. Consent is for EVERYONE involved, even bystanders, many of whom did not expect or want to see someone naked on their daily walk.
    4. People are gunna also see and enjoy it. Sure she doesn’t care about the cameras but the creepy store clerk is still jerking off watching the video, which I personally wouldn’t like if it were my partner. Same for outdoors, for every person who sees and dislikes it (referring to point 3), there’ll be 2 creepy dudes who enjoy it, pleasure themselves to it, and think about it often. This could also lead to more issues with point 1…dude sees her naked outside, thinks it’s hot and inviting, so approaches her when he sees her do it again, putting her in an unsafe situation.

  20. People should not be forced to participate in your kink and it’s exactly what she does. She takes it too far.

  21. She doesn’t seem to understand that although it’s hot for her, other people may get offended. Not to mention, that is indecent exposure so if a cop saw that they could give her a charge.

  22. She needs to chill the fuck down. She is gonna get arrested and as everyone pointed out, in the sex offender registry.

    I think you should not “reward her” for this behavior. Having sex first or going along with it even if hot encourages her.

    For example what you said was right but having the conversation at the beginning and actually not have sex until setting boundaries and better planning would have been more effective. Also when she texted you saying omw naked saying something like that’s not a good idea etc.

    Obviously you’re not responsible for what she does but the way you react to it at first can be encouraging for her.

  23. The public didn’t give consent to this behavior. It’s wildly inappropriate and depending on where you live she can catch a felony for indecent exposure and then be required to register as a sex offender.

    I’m a kinky woman. I identify as a Sub/slave with my hubby WHERE APPROPRIATE. So it’s not kink shaming to tell you that your gf is violating the consent of others. She is making the environment of the store and the drive a part of the sexual act. In doing so she is sexually assaulting EVERYONE who was not given the opportunity to consent to being a part of your sex.

  24. Tell her that you don’t date sex offenders and she’s acting like one.

    Public nudity WILL get her on the sex offender registry and will completely destroy her life. She will be equated with the likes of pedophiles and rapists.

    What’s worse is that she is dragging you into her risky behavior, and if you get caught fondling her, YOU could end up on the registry.

    If she wants to walk around nude, she can find a nudist community that consents to seeing her.

  25. your gf either did or will violate a third partys consent at some point. the risk is landing your names on a sex offender registry.

    exhibitionists understand consent challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]

  26. Another risk to keep in mind is if some young child happened to be around to see a bare ass naked woman walking up the stairs or down the hallway. It sounds fairly safe (at least on that account) being so late, but it’s something to bring up to her. It’s not cool to impose oneself that way on children.

  27. Lurker here, but I can’t not butt in.

    Dude, I don’t know what country you’re in, but where I’m from (US), if you’re caught doing any sexual act in public (including nudity), you get put on the sex offender registry. It might seem hot now, but is it really worth it?

    Also, you said she was walking around outside totally naked. Isn’t she worried about being raped?? That’s a surefire way to end up getting hurt!

  28. She’s being reckless.

    At the vet least, she’s potentially engaging the public in her kink without their consent. What if there has been a traffic accident, even just a flat tire? People in the hallway or stairway of your apartment building?

    The safety issue is SUCH an obvious one it makes me wonder if she’s doing other inherently dangerous things.

  29. Fastest way to get on the sex offender registry- walking naked in public. So yes, your gf took it too far.

  30. She sounds mad tbh , I get that kinks are exciting but there’s a time and a place , and those times and places are far less likely to put you on the sex offender’s list

  31. Besides a possibility of being charged for public indecency or sex offence, it’s incredibly disrespectful to people around you, involving them into your sex play without consent. Keep your sex lives to yourself, or go to a sex/kink club.

  32. She is extremely hyper sexual, and needs to tone it tf down. She can go to jail for public indecency, prostitution, hell someone can say she sexually harassed them lol

  33. It’s fine if you want to be discrete about this. But I don’t see any differently than a man in a trench coat flashing people who don’t want to see genitalia.

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