I found it Very very invasive, I lived in Barcelona for about 2 years with my mum I was pretty young about 14-16 a lot of people just interrupt your lives and feel like they’re owed an insight into your lives along with a lot of noise we lived not too far off a beach, Had to watch my mum get hassled a lot because tourists would again be too invasive and look for a place to stay or look for a holiday hook up and be utterly selfish.

What’s everyone else’s experiences been and where did you live?

  1. It kinda sucks from April until September with all the additional traffic and vacationers with their vacationy attitudes, but by and large we locals don’t really pay them too much mind.

  2. Las Vegas. We just tend to stay away from the strip. Tourists think all of Vegas is like the strip, when it’s just a normal city.

  3. It’s just like living in any large city. I’ve lived in NYC, San Francisco, and a smattering on large European cities. Currently living in Athens. Wherever I’ve lived, I never interacted much with tourists because I never had the opportunity. Maybe someone would ask me for directions every once in a while? They are just NPCs who blend into the background like everyone else. I don’t pay much attention to them.

  4. I live in not a super well known touristy area but it gets really busy in the summer especially on weekends.

    Traffic sucks. You get all these out of state drivers that either driver like nascars or grandmas. There’s only two lane roads leading into town so on Fridays there can be backups that are 2-3 miles long that are made up of locals and tourists.

    I refuse to go to the stores during normal hours because the damn city folk tear up the stores. And plus these tourists don’t know how to act anywhere lol. When it gets busy they tend to park in the driveway of my apartment. My landlord told me she had to tow 7 cars this summer because of it.

    I sound like an old man but damn I love winter when everyone fucks off for a few months lol

  5. I lived at the beach in San Diego. Yeah, tourists can be a PITA. They add traffic and make the prices higher. You can’t really complain, though, that other people like the same place you do.

  6. On the one hand, it’s a pain to be on the roads and God forbid you have to head down the highway that cuts the town in half. On the other hand, half of the local population are Greek and fucking nobody likes dealing with them, not the cops, not the businesses, not their own fellow Greeks, and the tourists get to learn it the hard way every winter via A Taste of Their Own Medicine™️, so it kinda evens out.

  7. Washington, DC

    I grew up here, so seeing a bunch of tourists is about as normal as seeing pigeons on the sidewalk. If it’s not tourists, then it’s protestors and demonstrators coming in. DC has a reputation for being kinda dangerous, so they hardly ever harass locals.

    The crowds and traffic are annoying, for sure, but they usually congregate in one big area downtown by the museums and monuments. Most locals avoid those areas 90% of the time anyway.

    The pros outweigh the cons. We’re a major hub for all concerts and shows, we have professional teams in all of the major sports, and there’s always something to do.

  8. Living in the south of France for the past 7 years in a large city. It’s awful. The traffic is awful, you get tourists that behave like they don’t care about anything and anyone while you need to take transport to, you know, work and pay rent. It’s just tourists that will make you want to destroy everything. I know that it shouldn’t bother me so much but when it’s 40 degrees outside it’s very quickly unbearable. Plus everything becomes more expensive in the summer.

  9. Lived in Miami. The “normal” parts of the city weren’t too bad (outside of snowbirds), the beaches, downtown clubs, event centers, etc., way to ridiculous. People acting like they owned the place, tourism shoppers (retail workers by Sawgrass know what I’m talking about) trying to divey up the receipt so they don’t have to get gouged at customs, all manner of loud people, prices way to high (even outside of the tourist areas, they were just the worst), overall way too much congestion.

  10. I grew up in a New Jersey shore resort town and currently live in another in the same county. As long as I wasn’t near the beach, boardwalk or clubs it was no different than living elsewhere except for how many places closed in the winter but now even that has changed and it’s just the amount of people I have to deal with than changes

  11. It’s the driving 20 mph under the speed limit that is irritating. I understand you wanna see stuff, but pull over, let the 100 cars behind you pass you, then continue. No reason to hold up everyone’s life just so you can see a goat.

  12. I have lived in Florida in various locations, including ones with lots of tourists and snowbirds. Also I lived in Colorado and San Antonio (which gets more tourists than you think). I mostly just hang out with the locals and tourists just do their own thing. It is a love hate relationship. They contribute to the local economy but they can be assholes too.

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