I know the pill is not 100% pregnancy prevention, but if she’s on the pill and still don’t feel safe cumming inside, then what’s the point of being on the pill?

  1. As long as she takes it every day at around the same time, there’s a 98% chance she won’t get pregnant. But remember if she just started the pill, it takes about 8 days until she is safe, unless she took it on her first period day, then safe from that day.

  2. some women take the pill to help regulate cycles, along with preventing pregnancy. surprising, i know, but it’s not all about the men. wear a condom if you’re not comfortable.

  3. Generally yes. It’s not absolutely guaranteed but if it can keep a couple of hyper-fertile idiots like my wife and I from getting pregnant over the course of a few years, you’ll be fine.

  4. We went 5 years on only the pill. One late period freaked us out, but not enough to change things. So very reliable, but we were in it for the long haul.

    As long as you’re comfortable having a kid together, you’re all set.

  5. It’s safer. It’s not entirely safe. That’s why people who don’t want to risk pregnancy use multiple methods such as birth control and condoms or birth control and only cumming inside on safer days.

  6. To increase the odds of not getting pregnant.

    Nothing. And, I repeat, nothing is 100% guaranteed birth control (save for maybe removing your reproductive organs).

    My wife and I were not satisfied with just the pill’s statistical chances. So, we personally chose to use two forms of birth control.

    That was purely our choice.

    If you are happy with the pill’s stats, go for it.

    But, again, no form of birth control is 100%.

  7. My ex was on the pill while I was with her. I cummed in her every single time we had sex other 2 years. Almost everyday and she never got pregnant. Maybe I got lucky but it’s generally pretty safe

  8. It’s also worth noting that your cum can knock her pH balance off which can cause BV or thrush, so just because you can skip condoms, doesn’t mean you should.

  9. my gf’s been on the pill for 4 years. i always cum inside and she still hasn’t had a baby lol

  10. Among other things, peace of mind. If she’s not comfortable letting you cum in her, then don’t. If she wants condoms, the pill is there for if one fails. If she’s good with you just pulling out, there can still be sperm in precum that she wants protection from. The bottom line is this: unless she has enthusiastically consented to creampies, you cum where she tells you to.

  11. I nutted inside my girlfriend every day for 3 years while she was on the pill. I have no children. I dont know if my bullets are blanks though 🤷‍♂️

  12. Be mindful that other medications can lower the efficacy of birth control including antibiotics and migraine medication.

  13. Could b additional peace of mind, help regulate cycle. Being on the pill is not only about birth control. If she’s not comfortable, she’s not comfortable my guy.

    Truthfully your post sounds kind of entitled and you may need to reflect on that.

  14. I find it funny that people are looking at a 99% effectiveness rate and saying that’s not good enough, they still don’t feel comfortable coming inside.

    First of all, look at what the numbers mean. 99% effectiveness *does not mean* that if a particular couple uses the pill as their only means of birth control, and has sex a hundred times, one of those times will result in pregnancy.

    What it *actually means* is that if 100 couples use the pill as their only form of birth control, and have sex any number of times while using the pill correctly, then only one of those couples will have an unintended pregnancy.

    According to Planned Parenthood, the real-world effectiveness of the pill is 93%, and this decline from 99% is mostly attributable to people forgetting to actually take their pills. Essentially, your confidence in the pill should be based, not on the underlying technology of a method which basically always works, but on your confidence in the ability of yourself or your partner to faithfully follow a pill regimen.

    If you don’t have confidence in that ability, then your best bet is an IUD or an implant, which are just as effective and cannot fail on account of forgetfulness.

  15. No birth control is 100% effective. It significantly reduces the risk of pregnancy, but, pills in particular, also requires proper usage. If she isn’t consistent with taking it at the same time or forgets a pill every so often, it can go down to only about 90% effective. One in 10 odds of pregnancy aren’t ones I’d want to play around with. There are also medications that can alter the effectiveness of hormonal BC (antibiotics, some herbal remedies, like St. John’s wort, certain antifungals and antiretrovirals, etc). And honestly, it doesn’t really matter. If she’s not comfortable, she’s not comfortable. You don’t talk someone into having sex in a way that makes them uncomfortable, regardless of whether you agree with them or not. Period.

  16. Every sex partner I’ve (65m) had was on the pill, up until my wife had a hysterectomy at age 45. So that’s 30 years of cumming inside of one woman or another two or three times a week. Only one got pregnant, and that was because she missed one pill. I repeat, she missed one pill, and got pregnant.

    I realize I’m a very small sampling, but in my case at least it showed that 1) the pill is pretty darned effective, but 2) only if you take it exactly as prescribed.

  17. Regulating or skipping periods, it can also be used for treatment of hormonal acne and a few other things. I’ve been sterilized and yet I’m still on the pill, there are several reasons one might take it.

    Also, a lot of people prefer to use condoms while on the pill because the pill does not protect against STDs. Obviously.

  18. The pill regulates periods as well. Most doctors will recommend hormonal AND barrier contraception for 100% effectiveness such as pill AND condom or spermicide for example.

  19. My wife and I dated for a loooooong time (from 2004 to 2013, when we married) all this time she was on the pill and no other protection was used, and it was creampie galore during that time.

    Two years after we married we decided to try for kids, she stopped the pill and within six months she was pregnant… After she gave birth she did not resume the pill… So after a year and change she got pregnant again and we decided she should not go back to the pill and that I should get a vasectomy.

    I got my vasectomy and we are back at creampie galore just like in the old days when we were a couple of 18 year olds.

    So… If she’s very regular taking the pill (that is, everyday at the same time) you should not have any issues with unwanted pregnancies… Also… Watch out if she throws up or has stomach issues while on the pill… That could possible lower it’s effectiveness.

  20. I did not feel safe enough with just the pill, neither did my bf so we used condoms too. Some people use the pill and pull out. It’s not 100% and we did NOT want kids so we played it safe.

  21. Not to scare you but I have a 3 month old baby from this method. It may be 99% but it ain’t 100% and that’s for sure.

  22. Pill when taken so they always skip their period still 100% . Get IUD, use a condom, or be prepared for the chance of getting her pregnant.

    Nothing gives 100% but IUD and unbroken condom gets you closest.

  23. – to help with bad cramps
    – to help with acne, particularly painful cystic acne
    – treating migraines
    – treating PMDD which is like PMS but with the fun suicidal ideation addition
    – helping with anemia through lightening the period
    – treating PCOS or endometriosis
    – if you lie about putting a condom on
    – if you say you’re going to pull out and you don’t
    – because she REALLY doesn’t want to get pregnant

    TL;DR the world doesn’t revolve around you and your “need” to bust inside of her. Respect her wishes, there’s no reason YOU need to be asking the internet “why the fuck is my girlfriend doing something for herself that doesn’t positively impact me?!”

  24. Pill is 99.8% under CLINICAL environments. Which means perfection. 89% effective with average use. Meaning life happens people forget. The pills are mishandled or stored incorrectly.
    She may be taking the pill for additional protection and to help with other issues. But if she says no to cumming inside the answer is no. In the event of an accident. It at worst costs you money. If she keeps it. It will cost her potential career advancement or education continuation. Her health and body will not be the same. If she aborts. It still costs her physically.

  25. She doesn’t want you cumming inside her. That is enough of a reason and her medications are none of your gd business.

  26. There are several medical benefits to being on birth control that don’t involve being used as a cum dumpster, my guy

  27. I dated two girls that were on the pill. We did pill+pullout which admittadly is illogical but for me at the time it was the best combination of pleasure and feeling of safe.

  28. You wanting to prioritize your pleasure over her bodily autonomy is an alarming red flag.

    If she says you cannot cum inside her, you cannot cum inside her.

    She is taking birth control for her own health and safety. Not for your pleasure.

  29. The pill isn’t all about unprotected sex!. It has other benefits for women other than just pregnancy prevention. It helps with regulating periods, high flow issues, easing cramps, etc.

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