I guess my marriage is over. We fight alot. Can’t communicate. I try to be open and communicate and work through things but it just is never received well and ends up in big fights. We have a lot of differences, and have had 2 kids. At this point it seems there’s nothing even worth fighting for. Im defeated. I carry the weight of the job that pays most bills, the mental load of taking care of our family and home, the kids, him, cooking and cleaning everyday, always being the one to think of everyone else first. He takes everything I try to communicate as an attack and even takes things completely out of context when I just want to have open and honest conversations to grow and be better. He accuses me of terrible things that are so not in my character. I feel like he genuinely doesn’t know my heart and who I am to my core. He had anger issues and has been pretty terrible towards me. He’s always so negative. I could go on and on but right now I am so worried about our kids. I want what’s best for them and will do anything in my power to give them the best I can but I feel like I’m failing them by the failing marriage. My heart hurts so bad. I have been suffering in silence for so long to protect my husband and relationship but I now feel like I’m suffocating. I don’t want my friends or family to judge him or us or know personal details unless we’re really done. I feel so sad, so defeated, and I just would appreciate some advice on how I can not negatively affect my babies with all if this.

  1. Has he been at all abusive? Mentally? Emotionally? Physically? If yes, then GET. OUT. I had 2 small kids in an abusive relationship, and stayed because “I dont want them to see me give up on their father”. Then my daughter told me “Daddy wont yell at me, he’ll just hit you again.” I left that night. Kids, no matter the age, can feel the anger and fear in the house when a relationship goes to the bad. Get out, not just for you, but for their future relationships. Adding that now mt kids are teens and happier and healthier then they would have ever been had I stayed. I left when my daughter was 6 and my son was 4. Best decision I ever made

  2. I saw your comment about breaking things around the house when he’s upset. That’s not normal or healthy, and that falls under physical violence.

    Getting a divorce is best for you and the kids. They can’t grow up in a house like this

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