
  1. We all start somewhere at the gym.

    Theres old, young, fat, black, white, yellow, red, blue, women men, strong, weak, straight, gay etc.

    So the fact they got off their ass and made the effort gets my respect.

    In all reality Im more concerned about my own workout to care enough about what anyone else looks like.

  2. It depends on what they’re doing at the gym.

    If they’re working out and minding their own business, I applaud their effort.

    If they’re acting like a jackass like a lot of teenagers and younger 20-somethings do by flexing in the mirror and taking photos, I think they’re douchebags.

    If they’re some Soy-Boy hipster waif that gives attitude, like looking at us with disgust, or tries to chastise me for taking too long on a piece of equipment, I write them off as an asshole.

  3. He has no muscle. Move on to more important things in life, like my workout or whatever else I have to think about.

  4. Never judge a book by its cover. I noticed someone like that and eventually I got to hear his story. He had a stroke at a young age and half his body was paralyzed. He’s trying to reconnect all his muscles and he’s not allowed to eat more than 1800 calories (not a lot to put on muscle). People go to the gym for many different reasons.

  5. A. They just started

    B. Building muscle might not be their goal

    C. They possibly need coaching, but I’ll never approach someone and assume they need/want my help if they never ask. I would feel like I’m being rude.

    D. Respect for putting in the effort to take care of their bodies.

  6. My brain probably wouldn’t register that the person has no muscle, I’d most likely be thinking about whatever I was thinking about before seeing them

  7. ‘Ah, a human being.’

    Seriously, I’m at the gym to improve my strength and fitness, not get into a dick-measuring contest. Maybe they’re the same as me and couldn’t give a shit about bulking up?

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