I’ve had a rocky relationship with my mother ever since me and my Gf got together.
We’re 6 years in and she’s fucked up so
many times I can’t count. Both mom and gf have a good relationship now.

She’s been a great mother to me and my brother,but he’s the one that’s fucked up. Brought the police to the door. Parents up to our high school because he can’t behave. I have never done this.
She wouldn’t accept the fact I started smoking weed at 20 when my young brother started smoking it at 14. Even my nan. Moms mom. (Greatest lady ever) said she always treated him differently to me.

She talks about me under her breathe, before she hangs up the phone, behind my back like I can’t hear her but I can and do confront her about it but she can never take full responsibility for it always passes some of the blame. Jumps to conclusions or assumptions. There’s more I can say but my brain is fried atm. Life.


  1. Stop talking to her. Leave her alone. She’ll realize she’s being an ass. Maybe she’ll change maybe she won’t.

  2. That is truly horrible. I am sorry you have to deal with this. Sounds like she needs therapy. Sounds also like she is just an unhappy person and doesn’t cope well. I would back off and get closer with nana. If your gf wants to stay close to mom whatever. You don’t live together do you? You and mom.
    Maybe if you are distant for a bit she will think about it and appreciate you more. Maybe she will ask gf about you and she can explain that she hurts your feelings. Best of luck🌹

  3. Just tell her that you are tired of her childish behavior and you are no longer going to contact her in anyway until she shows you respect and treats you like an adult.

  4. Accept the fact that no matter what you do, you’ll never satisfy her, so you may as well stop trying. Live for yourself, make positive choices that you can be proud of, and that will just have to be enough.

    I haven’t seen my dad since 2018. We send email a couple of times a year now and that’s it. He’s said a couple of times he wishes he heard from me more often, but he’s not interested in changing his way of being (nor do I expect him to, frankly).

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