Sometimes people try to talk to me and the most I can do is just keep my mouth shut for the sake of everyone. I end up seeming rude. But if I said anything I can guarantee if I were in a bad mood it would come out equally as bad or worse. Any help here on how to solve this problem? I don’t want to accidentally be passive aggressive in my tone. But I feel like there’s no right way.

1 comment
  1. Sorry I can’t really relate to this. Even on my worst days I put on a front when interacting with people, even total strangers at the store. Maybe it’s good manners that were drilled into me in my upbringing. Maybe it’s putting myself in other’s shoes.

    Imagine you ask a harmless question to someone and they respond like a total jerk. You’ve done nothing to offend them, and yet now you’re bewildered about whether they’ve got a personal grudge against you. It’d make the average person feel like shit.

    Maybe make it a habit to respond to certain questions on autopilot and in a friendly tone. For example, even when I’m angry or depressed and the cashier asks how my day is going, I’ll always reply with “good how bout you” as upbeat as I can.

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