What kind of things or bonding experiences do you wish for?

Edit: 🙂 Thank you everyone for your replies, I hope you all have the chance to get to enjoy some time with a friend/partner/loved one today.

  1. What we usually do, videogame together, bash reality TV shows or binge TV.

    To get out of town we’ll hit up concerts or go to the mall.

  2. Get a bottle of wine and snacks, go to some place green, put on some good music, eat drink and chat.

  3. I just want to get away for 24-30 hours. We have two kids and have had a night away to ourselves twice in 5 years.

  4. We live on a lake. Not often but on ocassion we’ll go out in a canoe, in the shallows and tributaries up under the canopy of the trees, and we’ll fish or just enjoy the quiet. It’s a great and peaceful time. Plus I think any woman that baits her own hook and takes the fish off the hook, is a keeper herself.

  5. Taking my daughter’s to a park for some 1-on-1 horsing around with dad. Every second is gold.

    It gives my wife a break to be human and it let’s my inner kid free. I’m running and climbing and yelling right there with them (especially if we have the peace to ourselves).

    Since they’ve been born my knowledge of parks in a 40 sq. mi. area has exploded. Some have splash pads, some are big wooden castles, some are new and are WAY larger than anything I had growing up, some are just simple swing sets.

  6. Sitting on a Terra’s when the wether is nice and have a nice drink and snack along whit a nice conversation or deep going discussion .

  7. It varies with each one of them.

    With a friend – we make plans of conquering the world and ruling it.

    With a partner – world dominion and subsequent ruling it.

    With a loved one – I discuss what will be her role in my life after I conquer the world and rule it.

  8. I like to take my SO shopping, go with her to the gym, hiking, cook… just do stuff with her. Shes a genuinely fun person to be around

  9. with my wife, bike riding. she’s recently got into it and i’m more of a lapsed semi serious rider so its a good overlap.
    with the older kid who’s less into spending time with his parents, live sports. we can talk over the course of the game but its not forced into limited time. With the younger kid, also sports but he’ll talk non-stop having researched the family tree of every driver, the promotion and relegation history of each club. again just good just to hang out.

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