My wife absolutely hates it and I have to restrain myself so it doesn’t happen. It also limits the number of positions we can use so that I mitigate the chances of it occurring. Just wondering why there is such a disconnect biologically?

  1. You answered your own question in the question. Some women are sensitive to it, some aren’t, some enjoy it. Everyone is different.

  2. My wife can’t believe anyone would like it. I definitely wouldn’t use this forum to justify my trying it again but I was just curious to see if others did or did not enjoy it.

  3. I love it, but there are times when it’s too uncomfortable too so we have to play it by ear each time. I have orgasms from having my anterior fornix hit and the cervix is normally just an innocent bystander catching a stray that’s the good kind of painful for me.

  4. Since all bodies are different, I would defer to your wife’s opinion that she does not like it. Check out Ohnut Buffer Rings, which apparently helps when the penetration feels too deep while allowing the guy to move comfortably without worrying about hurting her..

  5. I find that half way is the sweet spot. She orgasms pretty fast when I don’t go further than that. I am girthy but not overly long so I was trying to understand the physicality of my situation.

  6. Any question beginning “Do all women…” will be answered with a no. There are literally billions of us. We’re all individual human beings with individual sets of preferences.

    Some people like cervical stimulation, either because it feels pleasurable for them or because they like the pain it provides. But I’d say those people are very much in the minority, for the same reason guys who like getting kicked in the balls are in the minority.

  7. What do you mean by “a disconnect biologically”? Pretty sure the cervix isn’t meant to be physically hit. So it hurts most people.

  8. You got me thinking. I’ve only ever hit one cervix that I can remember. It felt uncomfortable for me. The texture of it on my glans made it feel very rough compared to the rest of the vagina. That partner hated it and always had a hand on my hips to stop me going deep.

    I’ve gone balls deep with many other partners and no other complaints. Maybe I’m not long enough to hit most cervixes? Which is fine for me.

  9. For me, it depends on how high or how low my cervix is. When I’m ovulating, it’s placed high.

    Edit: but nowhere near close to orgasm, haha. When it gets hit, it doesn’t feel good.

  10. It’s painful. Sometimes pleasure mixes with pain but depends on how hard you go it only hurts.
    Little tip: if she says it hurts, believe her. Don’t go the: but all the other women on Reddit said otherwise…
    Respect her boundaries and use a donut so you don’t go so deep. It could also be that her mucosa is too thick or she has cysts.
    ACCEPT HER BOUNDARIES! Don’t try to fix it.

  11. I have to tell my fiance not to go so deep that it hits my cervix, especially when my periods are near. It hurts and is uncomfortable. Sometimes it doesnt hurt but depends on day, how close my periods are, etc.

  12. It can hurt, and other times it can feel good… it takes communication for sure, too many variables can change if I’ll be into it or not.

  13. I hate it. My husband tried a new angle the other day and kept bashing it by accident. It didn’t hurt as such, but it was that awful, cringing feeling like chewing on tinfoil.

  14. My wife loves that feeling. The stimulation of anterior fornix takes sex for her on another level.

  15. Every woman is different.

    My wife actually likes me to rub her cervix with the tips of my fingers and loves when I hit her a-spot.

  16. I absolutely love it, to the point where my 1st true love did damage (he was well endowed). That was 20 years ago and I also never got pregnant. Maybe that had something to do with it, maybe not.

  17. Interstingly in the case of my gf she used to love it more than anything… until it started to hurt her a year later so i had to stop doing any deep position.

  18. I would recommend getting some of these penis spacers (assuming you have a Johnson; even if you’re using a dildo/strap-on it would do the same thing). They’re like little donuts you can stack around the base of your shaft and it bumps into your partner before you go any further. It sounds like it would really save your wife’s cervix from getting poked and you won’t have to worry as much.

  19. I havent any experience of having a dick hit my cerix but I and my husband have been playing with a toy that stimulates my posterior fornix and then moving to my anterior fornix and it makes me lose my fricking mind. The orgasms are mind blowing. This is a recent discovery but I think this is very person dependent.

  20. My wife doesn’t like it. It’s discomfort. For some people a little bit of discomfort is amazing and for others they want none of it.

  21. From the missionary position you can try angling either upwards or downwards to avoid hitting the cervix.

    An upwards angle can be a little tricky to achieve — she can put a cushion under her ass with you getting your own ass down as low as possible, or shift around so she’s at the edge of the bed, and you’re kneeling on the floor beside it. The tip of your penis will then bump up against the roof of her vagina, and if you get the angle just right it can stimulate the Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone (also known as the “A-Spot”). Not all women get anything from being stimulated there, but many that do report that they get more intense orgasms from it.

    A downwards angle is easier. From the missionary position, insert your penis partway, and then inch your whole body forwards, towards her head. Her pubic bone, which crosses in front of the vagina, will act as a fulcrum point and will angle the tip of the penis downwards, below the cervix. If you’re long enough, you could end up stimulating her Posterior Fornix (also known as the “P-Spot”), the tail end of the vaginal canal that extends below and past the cervix. Again not all women like stimulation at that spot, but some enjoy it quite a bit. Another advantage for her is that the guy’s pubic bone is rubbing against the clitoral region. One advantage for men is that the guy will feel more firm simulation from where the penis is rubbing against the woman’s pubic bone.

    With either the upwards or downwards angle it may feel weird to you, since the stimulation on the penis isn’t symmetrical anymore. It’s still possible for men to reach orgasm, so give it a try.

  22. I HATE it so much. Ugh *shudder*…

    But… as you have read, some woman; for whatever reason, like it. I would say check in before giving it a hard go. ^_^

  23. Had to stop during sex once cause it hurt so bad. It actually reduced me to tears. He felt awful. Now I have a weird fear of that same pain and can be a bit apprehensive at times unfortunately!

  24. It can really hurt or be ok. All depends on how the bodies fit together. If it hurts the guy should not ram it in hard all the way.

  25. Not particularly but I am ok with it if I am turned on a lot and not like 15 minutes of it either hitting it. We are all different.

  26. Obviously everyone’s different. I’ve never really enjoyed having my cervix hit, it’s usually quite sensitive. I have noticed that during my ovulation time, it doesn’t really hurt but it might just feel like an uncomfortable pressure from time to time when he’s going too deep/hard. And then the cramps from having done it will set in maybe hours or even days later.

  27. I can orgasm with gentle touch. It’s very different from other types of orgasms, you get foggy and have spikes of pleasure. And it’s not for everyone. Some women can’t tolerate it, either because they can’t or for medical conditions. We are al different.

  28. I like it when I’m around ovulation, closer to my period it is more sensitive and I can’t stand it. We just switch positions depending on how it’s feeling for me.

  29. You can buy donut things for the base of your cock so you can pound away without going too deep, fyi

  30. Usually women only like it after they have warmed up…

    The are that gives them pleasure is not the cervix, but the bottom of the vagina around the cervix (fornix).

  31. There is the anterior fornix which is a pocket located along side the cervix. If I’m on top I can gently position his penis inside it. The feeling is amazing as his head massages the side of my cervix. Best orgasms ever!

  32. My wife can have cervical orgasms, but it can also hurt, and she’ll have to adjust, depending on mood, and a bunch of other factors.

  33. I love it! The anterior fornix is up around the cervix and for some women it’s like another gspot. It’s amazing!

  34. Depending on where she is in her cycle her cervix will be higher up. When she is close to ovulating it will be high and open. When she is abt 13 days past her first day of her period she will probably be able to handle deeper penetration. Of course, if she us on bcp that may not apply, or if she is annovulatory.

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