Right now I’m senior high and I wanna get along with most of my classmates, but I don’t really have an idea what to talk about. I don’t like when the topic is other people but I just wanna introduce myself as friendly and hopefully can relate to whatever their answer’s going to be. Thanks guys sorry for bad english.

  1. My go to topic is whatever they are passionate about. I ask questions, people love talking about their hobbies or themselves. I take a genuine interest in what people have to say on just about any topic, I try to learn what they are willing to teach me. I made it a game in my own head and try to learn at least one new facts from everyone I talk to. People can tell when you are genuinely interested compared to just going through the motions.

    I recommend reading “How To Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. This book helped me more than anything else and can’t recommend it enough.

  2. Find out what TV shows everyone is watching and start watching them, too. Then you’ll have something to talk about naturally. Works if you’re into sports and can talk a little bit about it with people.

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