So there’s a girl that I know from kindergarten and I had a huge crush on her back then. After kindergarten I lost her and in the past like 15 years I looked for her and I finally found her.

I really want to get into a relationship with her but it is really hard for me to communicate with her.

The list of the problems here is so long.
.I am reaaaaaaaaally shy (in front of every people not only girls)
.when I don’t have a crush on somebody I talk to them in a way that they think I’m flirting with them but to my crush I speak like idiots
.I really don’t have the opportunity to communicate with her (in the last two years that I found her I just saw her once and I don’t think I made a great impression back there and she’s not that active in any social media like instagram but we chatted like 3-4 times about sth that she wanted to know and I knew a lot about it)
.She gives me some kinda vibe that I step back when I want to talk a little more friendly to her
.And so on…

What kind of suggestion you have for me?
How should I make situations that I can talk to her and getting out of this “friend-zone-like shit” that I am in it?

  1. don’t worry about her right now. work on yourself, go for other girls that are a little close to your sphere.

    view it as practice for the girl you’re interested in, maybe you’ll end up with her, maybe you’ll meet someone more important

  2. You should work on being less shy, meet more people, and explore the possibility of being with other girls

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