I (26F) have been dating my boyfriend (26M) for 5 years, and many of those have been spent living together at his dad’s house and off at our college house until the pandemic… which is when his dad broke up with his last girlfriend who I was pretty chill with, (like we’d go and do things together without them). Weeks later this new woman, lets call her Judy, is coming to the house every weekend and barely looks and/or speaks to my boyfriend or me. Maybe out of shyness or something but it came off slightly rude.

Fast forward a couple of years and Judy’s living here (acting like she owns the place I might add). My boyfriend and I just moved back in from an apartment we had for 1.5 years due to an awful landlord and wanting to save money, so now it’s the four of us here. Here’s where I got a little frustrated.

The week we moved in it was my birthday and I got my nails done – when I got home I showed her when I was in passing getting something from the kitchen. She goes “Wow spendin’ money!!” and I just paused and was like lol wtf what… then said “yeah a whole $25”. I thought that was slightly passive aggressive of her, but I tried to let that go and just be pleasant in general cause we’re living together right? Also its nails, not a big deal. She’s also done some nice stuff so its not like she’s awful…

Today, after my boyfriend got home from work, we were having an emotional talk about some of the personal struggles I’ve been having. I was diagnosed with PTSD a couple months ago and its been hard. He then opens the door to get some water and sees Judy standing at our door.. flat out caught her eavesdropping. Don’t get me wrong, my ears definitely perk up when I hear a heated convo from upstairs but I would never stand outside someone’s door to listen. I’ll also note that this place is 3 stories and we’re in sort of an in law suite on the bottom floor.

After he caught her, she turned away and went upstairs acting like nothing happened. I just feel like my privacy has been so invaded especially as I’m dealing with something so personal. I don’t know, something in my gut doesn’t like or trust this woman, but I’ve been ignoring it for the sake of a pleasant household. But like, f this. How should I act moving forward?

tldr; my boyfriend’s dad’s girlfriend is a passive aggressive eavesdropper and I don’t know how I should act around her moving forward.

1 comment
  1. >when I got home I showed her when I was in passing getting something from the kitchen. She goes “Wow spendin’ money!!” and I just paused and was like lol wtf what… then said “yeah a whole $25”

    Are you guys paying any rent to your BFs father? Sounds like it could be nothing, or it could be a concern about household income.

    >How should I act moving forward?

    Can you guys move out?

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