UK is firmly Apple territory, but whenever I go over to the continent it seems like Android’s sphere.

Made me curious what brands are the biggest in each country.

Edit: meant more about Brand market share rather than the OS’s themselves. Probably should have made that clearer ^^my ^^bad

  1. Xiaomi and Samsung, I guess? No idea, all smartphones look the same these days, so there’s no way to recognize the brand by just looking.

  2. Samsung. Usually, Romanians don’t change a brand if they are happy with it and Samsung had a lot of phones here before the smartphone era.

  3. Apple in Germany.

    Either Samsung or Xiaomi in Czechia.

    EDIT: Tho the difference is almost purely based on income. My well earning friends from Czechia often have an Iphone, except few people interested in IT who despise Apple.

    And people who keep an eye on their finances in Germany are totally happy with their Android devices.

  4. Brand wise it’s Apple. OS wise it’s Android; split over multiple brands like Huawei, Samsung and Google.

  5. “What smartphone do you see the most in your country?”

    – Mine.

    Now Technically the truth jokes aside, I would say ~~iPhone, even though mobile phones on Android system are more popular here, there are many different Android based brands and models that are popular, yet for iOS it’s just Apple, so even if the Os split is probably around 30% iOS- 70%android, that would still make Apple’s iPhone the most popular mobile phone here.~~

    Edit: I just looked it up, looks like I was wrong and only 10% of Poles uses iOS based phones and the most popular brand is Samsung

  6. Sorry if this is a non-answer, but do people generally notice? They all look pretty much the same to me.

  7. Android is by far more prevalent, but I’m not sure which brand exactly is the most common. I’m guessing Samsung, and then all others.

  8. I think I am alone among my friends to have a iPhone. Or they are just lying and not lending me their iPhone charger when I am visiting.

    Most have migrate from iPhone to Samsung by now. I have a Samsung already and are waiting for that last “wtf apple?!?” Moment to make the switch complete.

  9. Everyone in my family has a Samsung. But others have very different models and Xiaomi and IPhone and Google Pixel. Now they are all so similar that it is difficult to tell them apart.

  10. Switzerland is apparently 60% Apple. It must depend on where in the country you are because where I live I tend to see waaaay more Androids than iPhones. Maybe it also depends on the age group.

  11. Samsung is the biggest currently.

    Poeple I know(phones from last 5 years) : Phones after 2020 are usually Samsung, 2017-2019 usually Huawei. Most people also hate iPhones and call them overpriced garbage. iPhones in general are one of these status items like driving new BMW/Mercedes.

    Personally I use Lenovo K6(2017) as main phone and Samsung M51(2021) just for Youtube videos in bed lol. These new phones are just too big and heavy for pockets.

  12. >UK is firmly Apple territory

    Lol, no it isn’t. You and your circle of mates aren’t “The UK”.

  13. I think Xiaomi is the one I see the most around me, but I can’t speak from a general point of view.

  14. Statistics from 2017 to 2020 say in that time there were almost double the Samsung owners than iPhone owners. And then far after apple it’s Huawei.

    Last year, I just know the most sold model was an iPhone but that was only comparing single models. Don’t know about the others. And those are sales, not ownage.

    edit: found statistics for last year, it still is Samsung. (Again Sales, not ownage. Pretty sure Apple is further behind in that) [](

  15. Here in Malta it’s a back and forth between Apple and Samsung, mainly depending on the part of the year, I.e from feb-may you see more Samsungs due to the new phone releases then oct-jan you’ll see more iPhones. Among android phones OnePlus specifically is also rather popular, probably because being a small country allows word of mouth to travel especially fast, and they *used* to have unmatched value for money.

  16. Iphones have 60% market share here in Norway.

    It lines up with what i was expecting. Myself and Pretty much all my friends have iphones.

  17. Android wins in general with %51, but overally Apple wins with 48% Samsung a strong 2nd with 33%.


  18. What I mainly see here is Samsung, Apple and a few Xiaomi.

    Rare Oneplus (I have one and a few friends of mine). Some Nokia (many friends worked at Nokia and they gave them Nokia phones). Rare Asus as well.

    PS: No Portuguese here? Hmmm maybe speakless because of the CR7 and Dalot’s recent statements?

  19. Anecdotally, I’d say most people have a Samsung Galaxy or an iPhone. I have no idea what the sales figures are nationally.

  20. It’s been Samsung for a long time in Turkey, followed by Apple and Xiaomi. I believe Samsung rose to the leadership in the market way back in the days of Nokia’s decline.

  21. Androids (Mainly Samsung and Huawei) are most popular, though personally I have a Motorola and satified with it.

    iPhones are less common in my experience. To make an example: if someone has an iPhone and they forgot their charger, they are unlikely to find one to borrow because most use android compatible chargers (microusb or usb-c)

  22. UK – you definitely notice more Apple phones, even if there is a 50/50 split with Android. Women here will nearly always have an Apple.

    Abroad in Italy I saw a lot more Android, particularly Huawei amongst men and women. Like even fashionable Insta ladies using Android

  23. In the Netherlands I think it’s quite evenly divided between Apple and Samsung. Maybe a bit more Samsung.

    If I’d have to guess I’d say 45% Samsung, 40% Apple and 15% Chinese brands (Xiaomi, etc).

  24. I might be biased because basically everyone in my circle including me has an iPhone, but without searching for the exact numbers I would say that it’s 1/3 Apple 1/3 Samsung and 1/3 for other smartphone brands

    Edit : looked it up and the first website says 40% Apple 33% Samsung

  25. Currently using a Huawei nova 5t, very good phone. Owned two Samsung Galaxy phones, the s4 was a good phone and the note 4, which was a terrible phone with bootloop problems.

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