How has having a workaholic parent impacted you?

  1. I realized early on that this was the easiest, most ‘respectable’ way of avoiding your family- use “work” as an excuse and never come home.

    I love when people are enthusiastic about their jobs, but don’t *have* children unless you want to *be with* children.
    I had zero parenting by a father and spent the first ten years of womanhood looking for male validation in a ridiculous attempt to feel loved.
    It screwed me over- I conflated sex and love until I was nearly 30.

    I’ve overcome it now but truly wonder whatever got into the heads of some people to have children. No father would have had less of a negative impact than one that didn’t give a shit.

    *”I do it all for you”* has to be the biggest load of horse shit ever.

    Yes, still a bit bitter, it seems lol.

  2. I learned to say yes to everything at work and to accept any job and hold on to it for dear life, never ask for a raise or bring up any issues.

    I’ve been working on unlearning this for the last 15+ years.

  3. One of my parents worked abroad and the other was a workaholic… meaning that me and my sibling were left alone with various family members and strangers. We were open to damage and abuse and were abused.

  4. I saw how miserable and irritable my mother always was, how much stress she was always under constantly working. It made me want to avoid that at all costs and makes work-life balance the most valuable thing to me.

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