I’m 24, let me start by saying I have experience, as I’ve been sexualy active since I’m 19, although right now I’m in my first romantic relationship.

Me and my girlfriend started dating 3 months ago, I really love her, and she told me she loves me aswell, we’re doing really great, I’m super happy with her. for the first month and few weeks we didn’t have sex, (she wouldn’t let me lol) but she teased me hard, and everytime we’re together, she can just kiss me and I get super hard instantly. I think she’s beautiful as fuck, she’s 100% my type (both in looks and character).

A few weeks ago we had sex for the first time. 30 seconds into penetration, and I began to lose erection. It never happend to me. We’ve tried again to have sex about 4 or 5 times and everytime it felt so great, and even though I didn’t think about this, I just couldn’t keep it hard.

I’m pretty sure its not performance fear, because I am quite confident in my experience, with my GF (exluding penetration obviously) and with other girls before her.

The only difference I can think of between sex with her and the sex I’ve had before is that for the first time I have romantic emotions for my partner (oh and it’s true, even those 10 seconds of sex is way better than any sex I’ve had before) so I guess it might be the reason for my problem? But why?

1 comment
  1. You may be wearing a condom that’s a bad fit for your penis. The FAQ section about erection issues has a kink to a condom sizing chart. You may be putting yourself under some performance pressure because you have romantic feelings for her. You may be setting the bar too high by trying to be perfect. You don’t need to be perfect. You just need to be good enough.

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