For a little bit of context; I’m not sure how women feels about strangers talking to them, I asked my sister and she said she wouldn’t trust a random man speaking to her so I’ve never done that but I wanted to know other people’s opinion about this matter.

So the other night I went to a concert and I basically fell in love at first sight with this girl who worked at the stadium, it was not just about appearance, but while waiting I couldn’t help but notice how sweet she was while dealing with everything. I genuinely thought to myself “I would like to know her”.

Anyway I had several occasions to speak to her while she was alone but I didn’t. I was both not feeling confident because I look a couple years younger than my age and was tired from traveling, and because I thought why would she even be interested in me? There are thousands of people here and the last thing she wants is to be bothered by a random guy who can’t make a normal conversation without looking awkward.

So I ended up doing nothing and thinking about it for the whole concert, still now after two days I can’t stop because I usually don’t like someone very easily.

Worst thing is I live very far from there so I definitely lost my only chance. Did I make the right thing by not making myself look like a fool and bothering her or should I have been more carefree? I really have no clue of what is appropriate or not in these situations…

  1. Wow I recognize myself in your situation… I guess you should have been more carefree. Like you didn’t really have anything to loose except your own embarrassment. Like before it was common that people talked to everyone and nowadays is less common; we lack confidence to go and start a conversation or even a hello…

  2. If you feel inspired to talk to people in the future, you should. Just be aware of how receptive they are. If they aren’t open to interacting with you, apologize for bothering them and leave them be

  3. I’ll answer as a woman who has been approached by more than my fair share of strangers. Your interactions with other people should enhance their day, not detract from it. If you fell in love and just wanted something from her (validation, maybe?) without being able to offer anything in return (fun conversation, maybe? It all depends on the person!), then it’s best you left her alone. If you felt like talking to her would have benefitted her in some way and not just you, than next time, go for it! I have had some fun convos with strangers while working who may have wanted something a little more, but made it very obvious they were just happy to talk to me a little and brighten my day.

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