What traits do you consider positive when it comes to masculinity?

  1. None, but hear me out, I think attaching a gender to traits is kind of inherently toxic. There are traits that I value in men, but I also value them in women and non-binary folks.

  2. Physical strength, confidence, assertiveness, being logical. Beards, broad shoulders, deep voices, strong forearms.

  3. It would be the same traits I consider positive for any humans regardless of gender. I find the social and cultural gendering of common human traits to be inappropriate and inaccurate.

    Stuff like: Honesty, kindness, empathy, trustworthiness, resilience, thoughtfulness, intelligence, wisdom, being caring/loving, ethical, integrity, respect for self and others, etc.

  4. Masculine traits that are positive: Protective, driven, ambitious, forward motion, centered

    Masculine traits are not gendered as some people in this thread suggest. Anyone can have masculine and feminine traits. In general men tend to lean masculine and vice versa.

  5. Sure! I can think of lots.
    – Protecting the weak
    – Volunteering to help
    – Learning useful skills
    – Honesty
    – Treating others with respect
    – Teaching others what you know
    – Exercising so you can have energy
    – Patience
    – Learning about how the world works and how to get ahead

  6. What even is masculinity? I looked up the definition and it really wasn’t much of a definition at all.

    This is really hard to answer because in my mind masculinity is human made, it’s not a thing. It’s an arbitrary label that has been put on men by other men.

  7. Rationality, logic, physical strength, good in crisis (emergencies), courage, facial hair, sense of humour, capability to build just about everything that makes modern life tolerable above and below ground. And many more!

  8. Open vulnerability once they feel safe. They feel just as much as we do and once I let my boyfriend know he was in a safe space he’s been able to navigate his emotions and it has made our relationship so much stronger.

  9. I would say that empathy, honesty, self-awareness and integrity are the most important traits. However, those are vital traits regardless of sex/gender/gender identity.

  10. When he doesn’t care about what others say, he is hismelf, wears what he wants and he doesnt label clothes. Being a bit feminine and actually talking care of himself too, showing emotions and we can bond mentally too. For me masculinity is when men be whomever they want and they express themselves in every way, even if it goes against the “traditional” masculinity perception. I love is a man that comfortable with himself that he wears croptops, skirts, lace, and other things that are not considered to be “masculine”. This goes to the personality too as i mentioned above.

  11. None because separating personality traits into unnecessary and biased groupings is just weird uneducated and unproductive to society. Just take on positive traits you like to receive.

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