As the title suggests I have applied for Job Seekers Allowance and have just received more than 1 letter saying they cannot play me. One letter said ‘the law says we cannot pay you’ and the other said I ‘have not paid, or been credited with, enough Class 1 National Insurance Contributions’. Not sure where do go from here, or even what questions to ask. TIA

  1. You must have tried claiming for contribution based job seekers. You want income based job seekers allowance. The difference is basically income based based is means tested. So you’ll be required to jump through your advisors hoops for payments whilst contribution based largely means you’ll be left alone until the contributions run out.

  2. You can log into HMRC’s website to check your national insurance contributions. If that shows you’ve contributed enough then appeal (I doubt it will though, DWP should have the same data HMRC does). Otherwise you’ll likely need to apply for Universal Credit instead.

  3. It seems you’ve tried to claim New Style JSA which is the contribution-based unemployment benefit.

    Off the top of my head, you need two full qualifying years of Class 1 National Insurance contributions in the qualifying period prior to making a claim to be eligible for New Style JSA.

    As they’ve determined you’re not eligible for New Style JSA, you need to apply for Universal Credit which is income-related as opposed to contribution-based.

  4. Yeah I think you just need to submit an application for universal credit if you’re not eligible for contribution based jsa.

    Also, have you tried looking at temp/ agency work? I did this when the job centre was starting to mess me about. Walked in and asked what was going and they had a shift for me that evening. It was crappy minimum wage warehouse work with no benefits but it paid more than job seekers.

    Also, you can always look at the [beermoneyuk]( sub for ways to make extra spending cash while you’re looking for jobs.

  5. You have been declined from contribution based JSA.Apply for Universal Credit payments. Be aware you made not receive any funds for 5 weeks through .

    May be able to apply for an emergency loan through try not too and avoid the loan sharks 🦈

    Regrettably you will find yourself in huge debt and defaults pretty quickly as a result to family and friends who hopefully club together to support you

    The system is cruel these days ( courtesy of Ian Duncan Smith and co)

    Its design to make you take really poorly paid casual work .

    Hopefully you find more permanent work quickly 🤞

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