How do you respond to “Love doesn’t pay my bills.” By a woman you want to be in a relationship with?

  1. If you have to pay her bills to be with her, she is a prostitute….. Find a cheaper one if you are that desperate.

  2. Bro run!!!!! You will never be anything more than a paycheck. The flip side is if she is paying for everything and you’re a deadbeat she is within her rights to find someone like minded that can pay their fair share.

  3. “Love doesn’t pay the bills.”

    *”And only whores charge for services.”*

    Boom, sorted.

  4. A woman asking for money payment for a “relationship” is a prostitute.

    I don’t pay for sex. She can sell her wares elsewhere.

  5. Depends on my own financial situation. If I was broke, I’d focus on my finances and health and future. Since I’m not broke, I cut my losses and have a bowl of cereal or maybe an oatmeal bar? Idk I need to go shopping.

  6. Dump her. I’m a woman and I see/hear a lot of other women only caring about their partner’s financial status. You’re gonna be nothing more than a wallet.

  7. I would recognize and accept the toxicity of that person. Grieve the death of the imagined version of her in my mind, then figure out how to find someone that is similar to the imagined person.

  8. You actually do not want to be in a relationship with such a woman. If you do, prepare to be used as an ATM for her.

  9. Walk away, don’t look back…

    Unless you happen to be living together and she wants you to get a job!

  10. Not enough info here. I told this once to a friend, who kept being married to a dude, that in 10 years could not find a job. She was working two jobs to pay for his studies, she was doing his assignments and he spend his days playing on console, drinking beer smoking weed. She said she wanted to have kids with him and that she loves him. I replied that “love doesn’t pay bills”.

  11. Whip out a contract for service provision and go through every item with her establishing price, quality criteria for service, etc. This is not a relationship.

  12. Right, I agree!! Your job pays your bills, just as my job pays my bills. Now that we’re past the basics of life learned when we got our first job… good luck with finding somebody willing to randomly pay for all your nonsense for no damn reason (that’s called a sucker). For my wife, sure; for somebody I don’t have that kinda skin in the game with, hell no. Frankly, carry your own damn weight or it’s not hot no matter how hot you are. Incompetence & selfishness will negatate hot-factor 9/10 times. The other 1 time is temporary at best.

  13. Well, honestly, a lot of personable women have access to men who are comfortable with paying their bills. She’s probably stuck around this long because she actually likes you. If you can afford to help her then do that. If you can’t then let her know and stop wasting your time.

  14. “I mean, yeah, you don’t have to be a financial expert to figure that one out. Were you unclear on that before? Now OnlyFans pays MY bills. I keep threatening to post on it, and people give me money to not do that. Now if you…hey, where are you going?”

  15. By leaving. If she can’t pay her bills why bother? She can marry an ATM machine for all I care.

  16. Those bills could be support for your future child. Its a callous way to put it, but there is some truth there

  17. By never speaking to her again. She obviously needs to marry an ATM. You definitely don’t want to be that.

  18. Neither will your ego. But if you can be bought, I might be in need of maid service to maintain my home. You’ll be paid based off your performance and I expect you to make yourself scarce when I bring the next woman home.

    Similar to most homeless people I’ve met, the idea of earning her keep will likely run that kind of woman off and she won’t be your problem anymore.

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