I’m kinda an introvert wanting to be more extroverted but when I have a conversation with anyone friends or family all I have to say is how are you then Just odd silence can I have some conversation topics or advice specifically For a a good clever conversation with good laughs not just a boring conversation … thanks

1 comment
  1. First tip is LINKING. Take what they say and LINK to it with a relevant comment, question or insight of your own.

    Second aspect is always bringing a few small ideas of your own as conversation starters. For that one I recommend noticing what’s going on in your day, or your week that is: interesting, unusual, funny, weird, crazy, frustrating, informational, emotional etc. and writing that down either on a pad or in your phone. Review the list before you go out.

    These don’t need to be huge dramatic stories, just something small that struck you as interesting to talk about. I have several cats, so sometimes it’s crazy cat stories, or something about cooking, eating or going to a restaurant, or something weird that happened in traffic, or some interesting story I read online. That way you always have some conversational fillers.

    Here’s the key though: WHAT you say isn’t nearly as important as HOW you say it! People don’t remember exactly what you said, but they do remember the emotional tone of the conversation and how they felt when they were with you. So have some PASSION for: yourself, the other person and Life Itself.

    Good luck!

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