I’m 26F and I’ve been married for a year , me and my husband keep arguing on how much sex is supposed to happen because of my hormones I rarely want sex in the first two weeks of the month but it’s the opposite for the on the last two weeks
What’s the nagging me about my husband is that he joked about with my friends

  1. This answer is different for everyone. The right amount is the amount that makes you both feel good. Tell your husband you don’t want him to discuss your sex life with his friends.

  2. There is no number. If I tell you me and my wife do it 3-5 times a week 11 years in ( and 2 years after fixing our own dead bedroom) that isn’t going to help you. Neither is listing someone elses normal. You guys need to find what works for you guys.

    I will say this I been read plenty on your side of things and it sucks. But I have also experienced and read tons about his side of things and it can get very very uggly and him being super hurt.

    Negotiating sexual drives is one of the biggest challenges in a lot of marriages. Only communications and a true commitment by both partners can fix it.

    Check out r/deadbedrooms or r/HLcommunity or /r/LowLibidoCommunity to get input from other people facing this struggle .

  3. What is your optimum frequency? What is his? It took many years, but I’ve determined my wife’s best at about twice a week. She’ll go more frequently for my sake if I press her, but I can tell her heads not really in it.

    I like to orgasm once a day(for prostate and mental health). At the beginning of the week, we’ll schedule which two days we’re having sex, I fill in the gaps in between with solo play.

    This does away with the anxiety of not knowing if today is the day, or of making advances towards your partner that are turned down or postponed.

  4. There is no set right amount. It does not sound like your husband is communicating well at all. It sounds like his behavior is a turn off

  5. The actual answer is whatever number the couple agrees on and it sounds like y’all aren’t agreeing so there is a problem there.

    That being said, I wanna say the average for married couples is around once I week.

  6. No right number, whatever the couple’s agree upon, etc. This is true.

    However, if you are looking for an average to see where you are on the spectrum of things, 1x to 2x per week was typical for most couples according to some survey somewhere, and a “sexless marriage” is generally defined as haven’t had sex for at least 1 month and no plans to have sex in the next month, barring extraordinary circumstances like injury, recovering from surgery, recent childbirth, still breastfeeding an infant, etc.

    Lastly, high libido is generally considered to be in the 1x per day and up range.

  7. Me and my wife are in a banging kick recently. She’s been role playing in new sexy dirty immoral ways so we’re doing it everyday except during her period. Even then we still sometimes get a dark colored towel out and make a mess.

    We’ve gone up and down and stopped and all over the place as far as sex frequency and life and pregnancies and sickness and whatever else.

    Obviously there’s no right answer.

  8. As others have said not set amount. Its how ever often makes you happy. Obviously your husband is feeling it isn’t enough. Now you have to ask is he insatiable or the frequency really not enough.

    Sounds like you guys are at it at least once a week so it certainly isn’t neglectful. The joking about it to friends sounds like another issue all together.

    Also I can’t stress enough for those who really feel no drive to get their hormones checked. Male or female. If you feel off etc. if you feel no drive for sex for an extended period. You probably all know the jig but get it checked it can change your life if it is a problem and you get it addressed.

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