So I previously posted about how I have this unrequited love thing for this man who is almost 40 years older than me. I read everyone’s advice, which I appreciated, and after some thought I decided to separate from my husband. I realize I may never get a chance with the man I love but I can’t stay with my husband and keep going on like this.

I told him this morning and he didn’t take it well. There was a lot of “are you serious” and some pleading to reconsider. I did not give in to this. We are officially separated and I feel a little sad but mostly relieved.

I will not be pursuing the man I love since he is married. I will wait and if an opportunity arises where he is single, I will take it, if not I will live with my feelings. I do not plan to date anyone else at any point. I have learned my lesson and do not want to complicate anyone else’s life.

I hope I somehow get an honest chance with the man I have been in love with for so long but I am not expecting it to happen.

TLDR: I am divorcing my husband because I am in love with someone else.

1 comment
  1. Uh, well I guess I’m glad you’re not wasting your husband’s time anymore at least.

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