Let’s see who is the most suave with it

  1. I’m sad. I just watched that new documentary on Prime about Randy Rhoads. He was a hero of mine. Such and overwhelming tragedy for me. Such an incredible loss. I know it is better that we celebrate that he lived vs.mourning his loss. But it was a loss. So that’s how my day is ending.

  2. Normally goes like this,

    “how’s your day?”
    “I’ve got a pulse”
    “well that’s good”
    “depends on who you ask”

  3. It depends. If it’s a coworker or someone else who I care little for, just just give a one word answer and a smile. If it’s a friend, I unload all the bullshit the day has dumped on me.

  4. I k ow what supposed to come after “how was ypur day?” But im seldom i terested in continuing the conversation.

  5. Obligatory not a man

    I usually go for a “Do you want the honest answer or the easy answer” if its someone I’m mildly close with

  6. I’ve said, “My wife doesn’t love me. My kids ridicule me. Even the dog ignores me. How about you?” I can also do the “My life is a joke !” routine to really mess with them.

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