Trigger warning self harm
Dont do what I did!

Tonight I cut myself after a guy I really liked told me ‘he doesn’t think we’re a good match’ after one (what I thought was good) date. And he wouldn’t say more when I asked. Silence.
This is one of many times this has happened, the one and dones.
I am in a lot of pain deep down. I look in the mirror and see a pretty petite blonde girl with freckles and a nice body, and I am very smart, a nurse on her way to becoming a nurse practitioner. But I can’t seem to find a guy who wants to stick around. My family says it’s not me. But I am worried it is.
Logically I don’t think it’s me but I do have thoughts like I don’t look enough like a tall lip injected boob jobbed Instagram model, and don’t come off as a yes sir baby maker full time chef wife.
Any advice on not feeling so depressed? Anyone relate?

1 comment
  1. Hey, you helped me on my post so I’ll repay the favor. First of all, you are beautiful the way you are and literally fuck those Instagram models because they put that social anxiety on women and girls of all nature. No guy genuinely wants those super models anyway, just their bodies. Please don’t continue to hurt yourself because this world needs you and if no one has told you already, you matter ❤️

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