Women of Reddit , how you view other women being very talkative online and when in person they try to avoid you ?

  1. I assume you mean that the same person who is talkative online is the person being avoidant in person. If so, I’ll talk to her online to get more information from her about the situation to better understand what’s happening. Some people are just better at text communication than in person communication, so the difference in behavior isn’t necessarily something I would assume to be negative without additional context suggesting something inappropriate or negative.

  2. Some people are socially awkward in person, I totally get them. If it’s influencing our relationship somehow I’d discuss it with her via text, since that’s how she seems more comfortable talking.

  3. They might just be shy. I’ve made friends online that I ended up meeting in person or talking to on the phone. It can be a little nerve wracking at first

  4. Different contexts. I like to meet people where they’re at personality-wise. If you’re a fun person online but you’re shy in person that’s cool

  5. I’m neutral to it because I’m just like them. It’s easier for me to talk all day on reddit because it’s anonymous and I can fully develop my sentences before I speak. In real life I’m more quiet and conscious of my words.

    You can also delete online comments while real life conversations are forever…I’m awkward and avoiding is usually because I’m not “on” yet and don’t want to be a downer or boring.

  6. In my personal experience, these ppl tend to be fake. However like others have said it could be shyness. Your intuition should come in here

  7. I would assume they’ve got some social anxiety, and I’ll chat with them via other mediums.

  8. That’d be me, if I interpret your question right. I find chatting online a lot easier than talking IRL, I’m usually more shy until I know someone well. It also depends on the person, sometimes you click with someone online but can’t seem to keep a conversation in person, while with others there’s an instant connection and you can just talk for hours even though you barely know them.

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