I’m currently a college freshman almost done with the semester. I am thinking about getting a job over the summer. Nothing related to my major, more like a job in retail or something along those lines. I’m not really sure where to start but how do interviews work? What do you wear? I had one job at a restaurant last summer but they hired me like a day after I applied (no interview) and it was the worst 3 months of my life of serving and taking orders myself. That experience really got to me and I’ve been really scared to go through the whole process of trying to find a job.

So, how do interviews work? Does anyone have any recommendations on a place to work for someone that doesn’t like talking to others? I’m honestly up for anything since I’m not doing anything this summer.

  1. Being you are a freshman – have you looked into an appt with your Career Services team? They will walk you through interviews – resume prep, how to interview, etc. That’s their JOB! 😋

  2. There is plenty of information online and on YouTube about interviews. Harsh truth, but you are going to need to learn how to talk to people and get out of the habit of avoiding people. In any professional setting, having social and people skills matters !

  3. I’ve gotten every job I’ve ever applied for… After my older sister taught me this.

    I get a cheap folder and print out my resume with a cover page, put it inside with a paper clip (to make it extra fancy).

    Make sure the resume is well written, with bullet points and all previous job tasks are expressed in brief detail.

    Brief detail about my job at Walmart I had when I was 17 I wrote like:
    Ex(1) expresses great care in customer service satisfaction

    -ability to perform job duties such as:
    *checking and closing tills at the end of every shift
    *loss prevention & fulfillment

    Basically just over glorify every task you ever did at your old jobs but in a brief professional manner. Have it very well organized and easy to read.

    When I go to the interview, first thing I do is hand them the folder and say that’s for them to keep. They’re always impressed at this extra step as it’s a bit old-fashioned.

    Then the interview always starts with them in a good mood, thinking that I actually care. They’ll also just look at my paper resume instead of the computer and mine is much easier to read.
    And my interview ends up being much more short than the other people before me. I’ve always got the job with minimal conversation.

    Wish you luck!

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