I’m a 37m I went on a date with a really wild and fun 24f about a month ago. We hit it off really well, kissing and cuddling all night, she was sending selfies of us to her brother and friends and was extremely keen to meet again, “I need to see you again asap” so I scheduled a date for the following Friday.

Up until the day she was very responsive over text and keen to meet then on the day she stopped replying so I didn’t chase, I know the dating game and just left things at that. I pretty much accepted she was gone.

Fast forward to last week and I randomly reached out to her and she replied instantly. I drove to her town and we again went for a drink together but this time we decided to get a hotel room. We had an amazing night together, the sex was extremely intense and we kissed and cuddled all night. Then we had great sex in the morning. I left her in the hotel and went to work (check out wasn’t until midday). She said don’t be too long and she is gonna miss me or misses me already etc. I then returned around midday to pick her up and drive her home.

The next night she text me saying she is feeling needy, wants cuddles so bad etc and I replied with something like “We could be cuddling in my bed right now, let me know when you’re free and we’ll meet up again” which she didn’t reply to! Maybe she fell asleep or found someone else, who knows!

Anyway I didn’t hear from her after that AT ALL…. Until today, 4 days later when she sends “Ok” nothing else and I haven’t replied.

I plan on messaging her in a few days seeing when she wants me to fix her dads printer which she kept mentioning while we were together. I’m trying not to read too much into this but it does confuse me and I just plan on dating multiple women while keeping her in the background as a slow burner. Could she be testing me? Suddenly lost interest? Found someone else? I suppose any of them is possible but I do think she is a diabolical texter anyway. I do seem to always attract or like these hot and cold bad texter types! No idea why!

She did tell me the last guy she dated got so frustrated with her he started turning up at her work. She does seem very avoidant so I am applying ZERO pressure, plus I barely know the girl.

Am I doing the right thing just sitting back and being chilled?

  1. Good thing that you’re not like that girl’s ex-partner that you mentioned here. Might just chill and wait to see if she responds.

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