In the US, flu vaccines are pushed hard every year and thousands (maybe millions) of people are mandated to get them because of their employment (usually health care workers). Is this common in Europe as well?

  1. They’re only pushed for certain demographics. Health care workers, old people, immunocompromised people, etc. But everyone can get it.

  2. In Greece we have mandatory flu vaccines for the elderly, various others vulnerable people and the health workers.

  3. I feel they’re very common here. You automatically qualify for one if you’re old/inform/have an underlying health condition, and you’ll be sent a letter inviting you to get one.

    They’re also offered at the local pharmacy at a very reasonable price and lots of my friends tell me their work will reimburse them if they bring the receipt.

  4. Voluntary, but highly encouraged by the government coming up to each winter. People in at risk groups such as the elderly and healthcare workers get it for free. Anyone else can get it easily and costs depend on the pharmacy/ GP practice but generally about €30. Some companies also organise vaccinations for employees and may or may not cover the cost.

    Not sure on uptake but I know we had one of the highest uptake of covid vaccinations in Europe, at least the initial course of doses

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