What are some bad personal hygiene habits that you have?

  1. I wash my face with micellar water. No cleanser, no rinse. Just micellar water and a cotton pad every morning and night.

  2. I have Invisalign and sometimes I will go to bed with my aligners in, after eating dinner, and not brush my teeth🤭🤭

  3. My big toenails are long because I get ingrowns and am too lazy to learn to cut them in a way that prevents damage. Luckily nobody ever sees my feet.

  4. Not flossing every day, and when I don’t have a dishwasher… waiting up to a week to wash dishes manually.

  5. Sometimes I don’t cut my big toenails until they start hurting, it’s mostly because nobody sees my feet until summer during which I do keep them trimmed.

  6. I never remove my make up. I only wash my face in the shower so I’ll regularly sleep in what ever is left on from the day. I have good skin and have never battled breakouts so it has never been a priority.

  7. I don’t care if it’s bad for me, I will continue to put q-tips in my ears

  8. When I’m not feeling well or if I’m tired or demotivated, I will not clean my space for a week or so at a time and be kind of slobbish. I’m generally a clean person but every now and then I’ll let my living space get gross. Not dirty per se, just messy.

    Also, I wear dirty laundry sometimes. At $4 per load, I feel like it’s necessary.

  9. If my hair is up that day for work or whatever, it will not be brushed 🤣

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