Here in Brazil most of the country stops to watch the game, even banks close earlier to allow the workers to watch the brazilian NT games. Does anything similar happens in the USA?

  1. My work has always had a late call after the Super bowl, but Americans just don’t care about soccer, even the world cup. Only thing that makes it worth watching is the bad flops.

  2. Lol. I guess you could use vacation or “sick” time for it but I don’t think a lot of people do.

  3. Lol what? We aren’t even pausing the rest of our sports because we know more people will watch a regular season college football game than will the World Cup

  4. This happened to me once.

    It was back in 2014.

    But…I worked for Chiquita and my boss was from Panama. So for one of the games he let us leave early and took us to a bar.

    It’s definitely not a normal thing though.

  5. Nope. I worked with a Serbian family during the 2018 WC and everytime they played – they’d order some Serbian food and they played the game. We basically stopped business for a couple hours. It was a lot of fun

  6. When my city’s basketball team won the national title we were released from work so we could celebrate and watch the championship parade. But we’ve never done anything similar for soccer.

  7. Hahahaha no. Even when the Royals won the World Series or when the Chiefs won the Super Bowl, the Kansas City based company I worked for didn’t close for people to go to the parade. About 80% took a vacation day and went, and no customers or other business happened that day, so may as well have closed.

  8. The World Cup is nowhere near as big in America as it is in other countries. I’d wager the average American doesn’t know when it’s happening

  9. Nope.

    Soccer isn’t our number 1, but there is no sporting event that would make us get released from work.

  10. No lol the World Cup is not a big deal here. Hell, if you’re scheduled to work on Superbowl Sunday you still have to come in.

  11. The only event that has anything close to this is the NCAA men’s basketball tournament opening weekend, which can be a big deal in some areas where college basketball is super popular like Indiana or North Carolina.

    In 2018, the total viewership on Fox and Telemundo for the **Final** was about 17 million people, about 5% of the US population. A regular season NFL “Monday Night Football” matchup gets about that many viewers. Soccer is not a big deal in the US. It’s a niche sport, it’s not completely ingrained into culture like it is in Brazil.

  12. No.

    During the 2018 world cup we did have the office TV (that usually showed the news) usually on whatever game was happening.

  13. No and you shouldn’t watch the world cut this year, or really any year cause FIFA is corrupt as hell, since Qatar is using slave labor to build the facilities and has a bad enough human rights record. If you normally watch you should tell FIFA you are not watching and why and encourage other to do the same.

  14. No. We don’t even get to be off of work the day after the Super Bowl, which is way more important here.

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