Hey guys, I’ve had a FWB for 3 months now and when I got tested for an STD at my OBGYN it came back positive. I messaged him politely to let him know and he completely got insulted and told me that I probably got it from someone else. I told him he’s the only one I’m with and have been with since my last test and that I don’t get why he’s upset, Atleast I let him know. He started being immature and telling me that I’m crazy for pointing fingers at him and that I should know he’s clean. In my opinion I thought I did the right thing telling him to get tested so he doesn’t pass it to other women. I also didn’t have symptoms and neither has he so it’s very easy to pass it on. I texted him that I got the 2 pills my OBGYN prescribed, but that’s it he will not hear from me again!

  1. You did the right thing. He’s immature and it’s for your best if you guys just cut it off at this point. Obviously he might be getting it on with others and doesn’t care much about the consequences or telling you about it.

  2. If the guy cant be mature about this, it sounds like you dodged a bullet with furthering any kind of benefit with him

  3. I commend you for your mature attitude about this. It might be helpful if we stopped using terms like “clean” and “dirty” (as we’ve seen in the comments here) to refer to sexual testing results. By stigmatizing positive results as “dirty”, we’re almost guaranteeing that guys like this will be ashamed and angry, and will not take the steps to protect themselves and their future partners.

    I’m happy that you’re ok and watching out for your own health and wellbeing.

  4. “My FWB rarely responds..” “My FWB gave me an STD”

    This generation really is broken in regards to relationships.

  5. He sounds defensive because he 100% knows he’s the one who gave it to you. What a loser!

  6. He’s dumb 🤦‍♀️ You can have an STD but not always have physical symptoms like a breakout and can be transmitted without showing symptoms. He should go get tested. He sounds immature I wouldn’t keep seeing him if I were you.

  7. Thanks everyone!! I definitely will not be talking or having sex with him ever again he’s an asshole!

  8. I bet he’s never even been tested !! And probably still won’t lol. You definitely did the right thing

  9. Just here to say it as a lot of people have misconceptions about testing for STDs, not saying you have it OP.

    Tests dont show up as positive until 2 weeks after contracting the STD. People a lot of the time will get tested immediately following a sexual encounter thinking it will show if they contracted anything, while the result then only tell if you have exposed that sexual encounter to a risk of getting a STD from you, so its still useful in that regard, but it will not be able to tell if you have gotten a STD from that sexual encounter until at least 2 weeks afterwards.

    So its fully possible that you _could_ have given it to him if your negative test was within 2 weeks after your last sexual partner. A lot of people get this wrong, hell even a lot of doctors dont really think about that enough and communicate it clearly to the patients getting the test and talk about sexual history/partners and stuff.

  10. He insisted he’s clean? Wait, did he ever lie about getting tested or go off of not having symptoms? I guess I’m starting to wonder how much people lie abt these things :/

    But yea his defensiveness shows who he is. He doesn’t need your time for friendship or benefits. Smh

  11. Damn if I gave someone an STD I would feel horrible, especially if they were polite enough to inform me instead of attacking me for giving them one. Dudes an immature ass

  12. You did the right thing to tell him.

    It sounds like he’s on the defensive because he’s embarassed, which fine whatever, but if you’re actively having unprotected sex then STI scares should be prepared for, and handled maturely. Which he is not. Good on you for getting the test and informing him, I hope you know to go better protected with future partners. You just never know!

  13. Guys it’s March 2022, I’m BEGGING YOU PLEASE!!!

    Use protection when you deal with FWB, exes, passerby, untrustworthy, one night stand, hook ups, total idiots etc…

    You only have one life to live!

  14. I’m not trying to lecture you here but don’t have unprotected sex with people who are just FWBs. Next time it might not be something you can cure with a pill. There are some strains that are also becoming pill resistant. It was a huge conversation me and my doctor had when I did my yearly and she had me tested for everything.

  15. Not wearing protection as friends, ok, when are we all going to learn people?

  16. Hes mad bc now he has to take responsibility for his actions and tell the other women, get tested, and likely get a bad word about him which sounds like he deserves it

  17. Please people just use condoms. I know it doesn’t prevent all but it prevents most.

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