TLDR: I don’t have a problem getting along with people, but can’t really make friends.

Hello, fellow Redditors,

I (20m) just moved to a different country, mostly because of university, though I am spending my week there, afternoons and Saturdays, I am working. I moved at the beginning of summer, so I spent a fair share of summer getting along with coworkers in the office and the other workplace, where I fit quite well, but I didn’t really find any friends to go out with, even here and there,

my expectation that the university will fix that, didn’t really work out, as it worked more as a “reality check” for me.

I always thought about myself as a fairly lazy person, interested in weapons and geopolitics, then I started writing stories to fill out my free time and exercising regularly, since I moved I also learned how to cook and I am simply the type of person who just has to do something at all times, but I do not have a problem adjusting my schedules to do something unplanned, I simply have the “privilege” of working so often, that I can take day-off, yet every time I arrange something, it ends up with me alone and writing once again(gotta use that time somehow, right?).

I have some very good friends, with whom I am in touch online, but I would just want to have a friend or two I can meet here and there.

I mostly just want to ask, if there are any “special” ways how to actually meet with people,

or something like that.

To me, it just seems that my peers are living in a completely different universe than me,

I tried going to a few foreign meetings and although I had some good chats there I kind of felt like I could use my time better way.

I will be happy for any replies and tips!

Thank you in advance, Researcher25

1 comment
  1. The key is to find people with mutual interests, and get to know them, and hopefully find out they have more mutual interests, and things in common with you, and so on.

    If you like writing and cooking, then joining a writers group that meets up regularly or signing up for a cooking class seem like two obvious ways of meeting like minded people.

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