I’m 26 and I want to meet new people because I really have no friends I can call to hangout with.

Now I’m sure the age old “look for groups around your area” idea is coming but believe me I have tried looking. I’ve searched multiple meetup type apps with multiple keywords of things im interested in and there are no groups to be found (I live in a pretty big city too so it’s frustrating). Doesn’t help that I’m pretty introverted and pretty socially inept but I need to start somewhere.

I’m tired of spending every single weekend alone in front my my phone and computer and want to get out and actually benefit society and stop being a waste of air. Any ideas?

  1. Join a club of some sort that appeals to your interests

    I’m 25, almost 26, and I made new friends at poledancing class

    Or go out to a bar, play pool by yourself, if someone asks to use the table for their friends, challenge them to a game for the table. Play terribly, because you are actually terrible at pool. Make conversation, tell jokes. Maybe keep haning with them after you lose if the vibes are right. Maybe not, then go talk to someone else

  2. What worked for me when I moved to a new country:
    – Bumble has a “friends” setting, sounds lame but works really well
    – Meetups, whether professional or wine tasting
    – classes (learn a language or ceramics or some shit, doesn’t really matter if you’re good or not)
    – a gym that has social events sometimes
    – work friends, or some kind of volunteering?

    It’s all hard but you kinda have to throw your pride to the side for 15 mins and chat to someone. If you think every person at a meetup is boring, but walk away with one person you’d be interested in chatting with again, that’s a win. It builds up slowly over time.

  3. I meet people all the time, I just walk in a mall and sneeze and yell Covid, I get to talk to alot of people. Mostly angry.

  4. I feel you, in a similar situation except not in a big city. Have no idea where to find groups or activities or what people our age do if they arnt drinking.

  5. Walk in the park and pet the dogs while telling them how cute/handsome they are. Then, look ever so slightly at the owner while randomly commenting about the weather. Cliche but it works (mostly in movies)😂

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