I went out for drinks with someone recently and felt a deep connection. The first date lasted about 3 hours, and we exchanged numbers near the end before departing. We talked about a lot of stuff, but what resonated with me most was her introverted personality; she was not afraid to go to standup comedy or movies alone. As someone who was previously very introverted and struggled making friends, I know that the loneliness can be painful sometimes. She also mentioned losing a lot of years growing up due to eye problems and I came close to shedding a few tears.

I sent a text the next day asking if she would like to go ice skating a week later and she agreed. I sent another text mid week, and was pretty excited! The morning of our next date, she sent a rejection text and blocked my number.

I have seen plenty of other woman before, but have never felt this hurt after only one date. I think the anticipation for the second date that never came to be is the cause for this pain, so in the future, I will always try to schedule second dates sooner than a week out. Thanks for hearing me vent.

  1. This happens a lot nowadays, women tend to have multiple guys on the hook, and they retroactively pick and choose who they think is best in a given moment. So one guy might have been cold to her for awhile, so you were a fallback. Basically her knee-jerk response (I’m guessing) meant she went with another guy she thinks is better and she was getting rid of all traces of you, or something about your mid week text really bothered her. In any case, try not to be sad. Use that energy for something else, she doesn’t deserve any more of your time.

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