Wondering how normal I am for needing to shower right after, even if I didn’t involve my male partner.

Do others with vaginas just casually go about their day without a shower after (if they’re not doing it last thing at night in bed)? Do you just use a wet wipe to clean up? How hygeinic/unhygienic is it to not shower until the next day?

  1. I always do it right before i shower, i suppose just washing my bits would be enough, but since it makes me feel sweaty i prefer a shower and also i tend to be horny right before bed and i shower before bed anyways

  2. No, I don’t shower after. I don’t produce enough discharge that I can’t easily wipe with a tissue after using the bathroom.

  3. I wash my hands, that’s about it. Sometimes I get sweaty enough to change clothes, but that’s pretty rare.

  4. I usually go about what I’m doing. Sometimes I shower after because that’s what I had planned to do anyway. If I’m doing it just before bed I’ll wipe and wash any toys used then just go to bed.

  5. Lol, I don’t think I’ve ever showered specifically after masturbating. I just go back to normal activities.

  6. I get super wet, so I wipe with a bit of TP, pull my pants back up, wash my hands, and go about my day. Feeling the need to shower is _wild_ to me.

  7. I think about it similar to a man- when they get off they have a tissue to clean up and ideally go wash their hands after. That’s about it. Unless there are special circumstances like some women having larger volume or watery discharge (making more of a mess that may warrent a shower for.comfort)

  8. Depends. I very often do it before I shower anyways. But other than that no, I’ll wipe down with a Kleenex after

  9. If the sperm is very wet, then you can just wipe it with a dry cloth (using wet is dangerous) and change your panties. No shower is required, the main thing is to wash your hands before masturbation. In any case, in the evening you will go swimming before going to bed, and your personal secretions are not dangerous for you) If you masturbate like me. 10 times a day, frequent washing of the intimate zone can damage the microflora. Don’t overdo it.

  10. Only if i used lube. Even with that usually a wipe down is sufficient to get it off.

  11. It really depends. If it’s a quickie, I don’t generally tend to get super wet to the point I need a shower.

    If I’m sexting with my partner (u/LostAd6009) or taking my time with it solo….HHonestly, I get so wet I make a damned mess. I’ve never squirted, but I produce copious amounts of wet. If a shower is feasible after a session like that, then yes. I will.

  12. Only if I get too messy (ovulating is usually the messiest time). I also find that if I use toys (vibrator and/or a dildo) that it’s usually messier. Most of the time I just get up and go pee (I’m paranoid about getting a uti) and then clean up if need be. Usually toilet paper does the trick though. This just might be a me-thing but I also like to let my vagina breathe most of the time, but especially after masturbating. So usually a pair of shorts/pants/dress with no underwear while I chill on my bed.

  13. I can orgasm 20times and be dripping wet. But I just clean it up with a paper towel or a wet paper towel and don’t think about it.

  14. Not unless I’ve become super sweaty and have to be not stinky later. Otherwise I just clean my sex toys/wash my hands and go pee.

  15. I only shower after if I was planning on showering either way. I don’t even shower after having sex unless it gotten messy. But normally nah. I just pee and wipe up any liquids.

  16. No. It’s what I like about solo vs partner. I can just drift off to sleep. Unless it’s a full treat night with props then I shower lol

  17. I self pleasure in the shower so there is no clean up needed. I am a squirter so I always have clean up otherwise.

  18. Not unless it’s super sloppy. If it’s a tsunami and down my legs I do, but if I can clean up just with a towel I’m good. About half the time I do it in the shower anyway.

  19. Sometimes I usually wash my hands and toy and if I think I smell I put more deodorant on and change clothes

  20. no i dont. i go about doin other things. it feels gd after a few sessions & i feel kinda damp down there

  21. Depends on how much of a mess i make. If the squirt is too thick and too much then yeah i might. On normal squirts no I don’t

  22. We have a bidet. Definitely like to rinse excess moisture. Sometimes the post coitus solution as well. TP will stick, sounds icky.

  23. Not if I’m in the shower as I masturbate 😉
    But seriously on average I play with myself 3/4 times a day and shower twice, so no its not possible especially if I’m stuck in traffic for 20 minutes on the motorway and use my little vibrator 😈💦💦

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