I’ve had this with my ex, we didnt realy have any interrests in common and i was pretty bummed about it because i was having a hard time creating a deep connection with her and thought that that might be a cause for that. Is this something i should look for in a possible future gf or isnt it realy THAT important?

  1. Honestly, I prefer to have different interests, that way both of us learn something new and maybe pick up a new hobby! You could also use it as a opportunity to bond over an interest new to both of you.

  2. It’s not a dealbreaker if you’re willing to listen to your partner when they’re talking about their interests. You may even find some new interests.

    Personally, I couldn’t be with someone who shared no interests at all.

  3. I think it depends on your preference. My bf and I don’t have a lot of common interests but we common traits and life plans. It works for us and we allow each other do do our own things

  4. My husband and I have barely any. We’ve been together for twenty years. I’ve never understood couples who want their other half to join in on their hobbies if there’s no interest there. More important than shared interests is shared sense of humour ad shared ideological ideas. If you laugh at the same things an agree politically then you’re on the right track.

  5. Very important. I don’t want to waste my time teaching how my preferences are the best lmao joke, but yeah, I prefer someone with similar preferences

  6. It’s more or less a preference and theres a balance that should be achieved. I think it’s important to share some common interest that you can share together, but it’s also important to feel independent and enjoy things on your own. You should enjoy the participation of your partner in mutual activities but not feel like you need them to participate, at least not everytime or with everything. Personally, I look for someone who loves hiking and camping because I think those are wonderful activites to share with a partner. But I dont expect (or really want) them to come on my hunts and I prefer to do crafting and such on my own. Balance.

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