Me and my girlfriend have been together half a year. We’re mostly long distance. When we’re together she’s affectionate physically and with words, but when we’re apart she feels more dry and distant, and it does hurt.

Take today. We hadn’t spoke yet, so I dropped her a message: “hey, boo, hope you’re well, I’m out right now but hopefully call later. I love you ♥️”. In reply I got “hello, yeah my day is good thank you for asking ☺️ how are you?”.

Just feels very flattening to wait half the day to hear from her so I do it myself, then I wait 2 hours for a reply and when I do reach out the reply feels like I’m talking to a friend. She didn’t even say she’d be free to talk tonight. I even feel hurt by her not saying she’s loves me back in this case, as dumb as that sounds.

It’s similar over calls. She’ll hang out with me in them as we watch movies, TV or play games, but again she isn’t very expressive of love for me. In person she tells me how great I am, how handsome I am, how I’m the best person she’s ever met, how lucky she is. Then when we’re apart it feels comparatively harder. She tells me she loves me here and there but I just feel so comparatively flatter than in person.

Is this a me problem?

**TL;DR: long-distance girlfriend isn’t affectionate when apart. Am I overthinking or is it an issue?**

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