I’m a nice looking guy(18), I have a good social life, nice clothes, money and everything except my relationships with women is fantastic. I go to parties a lot and I can notice that lots of girls are looking at me, some of them start a conversation with me or they tell my friends to introduce me to them. But the thing is that I don’t have self-confidence at all. I am scared to talk to a girl, I don’t know how to approach, what to say, etc. Whenever a girl approaches me, I just act like I’m not interested at all, not because I want to, I’m just scared and confused and even if I want to say something, I can’t.. Can someone give me any advice, how can I overcome fear of talking to women, what do I say when I want to approach some girl? My dad never talked to me about these things, so I just don’t know basically anything…

  1. It feels hard but its real easy. Walk up and say hi.

    Talk to them like you would any other person.

  2. Maybe try talking to/meeting girls in a more relaxed environment, like at some activity you do (gym, book club, whatever your ‘thing’ is). When you’re in a comfortable place doing something you’re passionate about, a lot of anxiety barriers won’t be there. Parties are noisy, crowded, and add alcohol potentially, all things that make relaxing into an organic conversation trickier. Once you’re more at ease talking to women in more mundane settings, it’ll be easier in a party situation, you’ll have more experience with reading body language, how to get conversation started and *maintaining* it. It’s a skill we all have to learn and work on, don’t sweat it 🙂

  3. Kinda reasonable to see this nowadays, shit is different now and with social media, there is more pressure so how you feel isn’t crazy or out of place…

    My best advice, which is what worked for me… just go for it…

    Even if you think you might fail or even if you actually fail and get turned down… you will adjust to that feeling and then it should flow better after a few tries, can’t succeed if you don’t risk failure…

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