I won’t talk much about the problem In question but recently my bf found out some stuff about his family. Me and my friend were talking about it during some girl time and I thought it would be a good idea to tell him our thoughts on it (spoilers it wasn’t a good idea). The topic in question got brought up and I bluntly said everything on my mind unknown to me it hurt his feeling and made him feel unsupported in the matter and I feel like an absolute asshole we’ve only been together for 3 months and I’m scared I might have ruined things between us any advice on how I can mend things?

  1. …why were you talking to your friend about your boyfriends family issues? That’s a massive violation of his trust. You need to apologize and ensure him that you won’t do it again. Then you need to prove to him somehow that he can trust you. That will take time I’m sure, if he’s willing to keep going in the relationship.

  2. Why would you ever tell your friends about private family matters? That is incredible immature and an extreme violation of trust. You can try to mend things if you can come to him and know that you’re in the complete wrong lol. That was told to you in confidence why would you tell your friend like I’m trying to find some justification for you.

  3. You shouldnt have been talking to your friends about personal issues like that. You probably really affected his trust and he may not feel like he can safely come to you to support now. If you’re really sorry then you need to explain it and apologize to him and make sure it doesn’t happen again (or in future relationships if it doesn’t work out)

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